blogskin dated: 24.apr.06
Euphoria 2004

wah!! i wanna die now man.. i got a freakin D for my computing test.. *grumbles..*
wth.. i hate computing now.. its getting worse and worse..
now in com lab, waiting for this lesson to end asap.. sianz...

anyways, i went for Euphoria 2004!! so damn fun..
ok, it was last sat (9th oct) and SHINHWA WAS HERE!! wuahaha~
so exciting!! they were da 2nd act on stage, after some DJ Zetan Spore..
the DJs were pretty boring.. -__-;; and their act lasted a whole 2 hours!!
me and avril threw eugene and baoyan behind while we took off after avril went to the toilet..
then we had subway for dinner!! dat was da first time both of us tried subway..
not bad, i muz say.. we ordered a hot 6" chicken sub in honey oat bread.. nice~
muz try da other kinds of bread.. hehe..
ok, then we went back at 7.30pm and boy! the crowd was starting to build up..
so yeah, we started squeezing to whr baoyan n eugene were and stood like dummies cuz the DJs were not done .. yet..
and every time a song ends, we always applaud loudly cuz we tot it was da last we'll see of them but no!
they continued till 8pm.. and wasted my precious time dat i could have spent studying..
err.. like i'll study.. so yeah... haa..
then finally, it was SHINHWA!! *whoot!!* but they only performed for 30 mins..
which is like.. NOT ENOUGH!! duh~
their first time here and only 30 mins?! wth.. i want more~!!
yeah.. then it was da other acts but i cant be bothered to type them out.. heh!
then... we left.. at 12.30am i think..
oh yah!! i wanted to take da posters outside da SRA.. ok, they're more of mini billboards but who cares?
but, they were too big.. and eugene wasnt willing to help me carry them home..
besides, too many pple.. later kenna scolded.. LoL..

k lar.. i think that's all for this crappy post.. LoL

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 10/14/2004 01:37:00 PM

- About Moi -
Name: Ya(w)nz
Age: I'm getting the KEY in 2oo6!
Birthday: 19 July 85
School: Nanyang Technological University
Course: College of Engineering // Civil Engineering
E-Mail: wanna email me...?

add me @ friendster!

- Loves -
My girlfriends
My family
Mother Son Hubbers ((MSH))

- Loathes -

- Egg Babies -

- Wishlist -
#1 - Random Adidas Watches
yes, get me any of this and i'll love you!

#2 - Adidas jackets! Of any colour~
Adidas RAWKS!!

#3 - Anything with a CROWN TIARA CROWN!!
Eg: belts, necklaces, shirts, etc..
Make me feel like a real royalty!

#4 - Stuff toys!! Especially Squirt, Flounder or Nemo!!
I love plushies~ #5 - Zen Neeon.. Don't think anyone would give me this but still.. its
a wish! And if any kind soul is gonna buy this..
ORANGE or PURPLE please!
I really need one of these!

list still growing~..
- Days of Yore - - Her Decree - - Her Quondam Skins -
- Royal Entertainment -
.ntu official site.
.perfect 10.
.SG sell/trade.

- Royal-links -

an old blog of mine.. very un-updated..