blogskin dated: 24.apr.06
shopping is fun

guess wat i bought today?? quick quick!! make a guess!!
* 5 ... 4 ... 3 ... 2 ... 1 ........ *
i bought a camera!! woo-hoo~~
finally a new camera!! muahaha... FujiFilm FinePix A345..
latest design.. just arrived last week..
paid a hefty $379 for it.. but got alot of free gifts with it too.. LoL
woot~ cant wait to start shooting pictures now.. hehehe..
oh.. so excited.. haha..

anyways.. my next electronic gadget purchase would be an MP3 player..
well.. huishi's aiming to buy one too.. but doesnt matter..
thinking of Creative N200 now since she's not going to buy it anymore..
she's gonna Creative too.. but she has a very tight budget..
if i'm gonna get one.. i'm gonna get one with 1GB storage..
i think its more worth than the others even thou i dont need so many songs..
but it doesnt matter... i can store more also..
actually the iPod Shuffle looks cool too.. too bad it doesnt have radio..
so well.. just going to save up... and see how it goes..
maybe when i go working during my hols.. then i'll go buy..
well.. till then.. LoLs...
for now.. i'll just go exploit this camera first... muahaha~~
*evil cackles........ flies away on the broom.....*

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 3/26/2005 02:34:00 PM

i love my girls

yay~ finally met up with the GIRLS today..
im soooo happy today.. cause i got to spend some girl time and all 5 were present..
its indeed a rare occasion since all are so busy these days..
mom cooked a sumptous feast too... huishi's frens were here too..
i nicknamed them 'da crumpler gang' when they walked into the place..
why? cause ALL three were carrying Crumpler bags.. duh..
and Avril... really da xiao jie sia.. made me go all the way downstairs to fetch her..
LoL.. but i dont mind cause its been such a long time since i last saw her..

anyways.. watched 'The Eye 10' wif Serena and Baoyan..
boring show.. not scary at all and it seems like a comedy at some parts of it..
wasted my $7.50... *points finger at Serena.. all ur fault!*
haa.. da movie was like saying how to see ghosts..
some methods definitely do not work..
like opening an umbrella indoors and looking thru ur legs..
why? cause i did those things so many times but not once have i seen a ghost..
crapz... really stupid show..

well.. and Serena bought a top at ebase just now..
so proud of her purchase sia but just now, Avril said it was ugly.. LoL
everyone was laughing away.. really hilarious scene..
but anyway.. Serena doesnt mind lar.. she knows Avril is kidding too.. haha
i've such crazy frens.. maybe thats why im so crazy at times too..

Baoyan and Serena has graduated already.. both looking for jobs now..
Avril's graduating in May.. wish all three of them all the best..
i've still got 3 more years to go.. Siokhui, 2.. soo long sia...
think Serena's gonna further her studies after working for a year or two.. not sure..

but anyways.. i had an incredible time today!!thanks for making my day girls.. i know this sounds mushy but......
~ I LOVE YOU!! ~

alright.. think that's all for today's entry.. hehe... till next time!!~

ps: today's Shinhwa 7th Anniversary too.. LoL..
Oppa deul, Sarang Hamnida...

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 3/24/2005 11:59:00 PM


* hums to the smurf's song... *
yes!! finally meeting all the GIRLS tmr.. its been soooo long sia.. haha..
tmr, they're turning up at my place for dinner!! woo-hoo~
its going to be a feast cuz huishi's frens would be here too..
then mom's gonna cook a whole lot of dishes.. yay~

i cant wait to meet them tmr..
7.30pm girls.. dont be late! LoL~

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 3/23/2005 09:59:00 PM


blah blah blah.. here i am to blog again.. quite some time liao hor?
anyways.. guess where am i? yesh.. NTU library 1.. again...
and now.. my right lower wisdom tooth is giving me problems..
sharks.. its not the first time anyway.. but im thinking of whether to extract it or not..
its not just about the cost.. also the pain..
the dentist said i wont be able to attend school for a whole week due to the swelling..
* secretly jumps and shouts 'hurray!' *
well.. he gave me some painkillers and antibiotics and medicine to reduce the swell now..

anyways... Serena has graduated too!! yay!! congrats girl!!
and this means that... she is FINALLY free!! can go out with her liaoz!! muahahaha..
but then.. im going to be quite busy soon.. exams are just round the corner.. sh*t..
better start mugging.. but i'll save it till slightly later.. LoL..

well.. meeting her and Baoyan tmr to watch 'The Eye 10' .. * cool.. *
cant wait.. but she havent confirmed the time and place to meet yet so...
well.. cant really rely on her to organise lar.. LoL.. later she suddenly not free how?
hmm... will discuss with Baoyan later tonight ba.. thru MSN..
then contact that crazy woman.. and tell her where and when to meet tmr..
ooh.. cant wait.. heheh.. i havent watched a movie in like... 2 weeks...?
LoL.. anyways... havent caught up with her for a long time also..
so tmr.. most prob we'll be spending time talking away.. then movie..
then maybe go find some place to drink.. haha..
i dont think i can touch alcohol due to my tooth now.. but heck lar.. muahaha..

aitez.. i think that's all for today's entry..
we'll see if i've the time later AND whether there's anything interesting to blog abt...
till next time.... BUAIZ~~~

ps: oh yeah.. today's my last lab lesson!! woo-hoo!!
next week onwards.. no school on Weds!! yay!!
* does a mental victory dance.. lalala~ *

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 3/23/2005 12:04:00 PM

keep quiet in the library! grrr

i HATE it when there's some idiot standing behind u when ur using the comp..
like this stupid IDIOT standing next to me.. DAMNIT!!
and he talks so FREAKING LOUD!! and this is a library.. damnit...

talk talk talk talk talk... kaoz... doesnt he realise that this is a library..
and he talks so loud... as if he's Mr. i-know-it-all... *rolls eyes...*
cant he just get a seat to sit down.. its freaking irritating me out..
i dont know why the hell does he hafta stand and look at his groupmates looking thru their powerpoint slides...
and keep making senseless comments.. nincompoop...
if he aint presenting that part, why does he hafta talk so much...
just do ur part and do it well lar... talk talk talk....
and he keeps going, "i dunno what's that..." and "remove lor.." kaoz....
dunno then still keep saying so much... he's a guy full of rubbish...

and if that guy ever reads this blog... i'm using comp A4159 in NTU Lib 1 ..
so GET A LIFE!! bast**d......

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 3/15/2005 01:36:00 PM


* this the season to be jolly.. lalala~*
ok.. u guys might be thinking, "wassup with this girl? x'mas is still so far away...."
yup.. that i know.. its approximately 9 months, 9 days, 13 hours and 30 mins away as of now..
but... i just felt like it.. im just wondering if i'll be in Year 2 this x'mas..
whether i'll pass my Year 1 final exams and get promoted...

anyways.. im stoning in the library.. AGAIN..
wasting precious time that i could have spent studying..
its no wonder why im thinking so far ahead.. with my laziness and procrastination habit..
i really wonder if i can make it to Year 2 without failing any subjects..
i better.. or else, mom would slaughter me and drain my blood..
Uni isnt exactly cheap you know.. i better work hard..
must be like the short princess at home.. HARDWORKING!! thats the way~
note to short princess: no, i aint praising u.. im just motivating myself! bleh~ no need to be proud of yourself.. ok? LoLs....

alright... i'm gonna start tonight.. first thing to do when i get home? organise my notes!!
then from there, i'll get a better view of how i'm going to study..
and my free time at home..? not going to spend it playing games on the comp..
ok... maybe just an hour or so before i go to bed..
i think i'll die not touching the comp once a day..
then on fridays to sundays... im going to spend it at Mac's studying..
at least 4 hours there.. no temptation.. go at 9am and return at 1pm.. no problem~
at least i get something done there..
oh yes!! also dig out my JC notes.. for Physics.. i'll be needing those..

yes.. i'll start tonight.. i cannot be playing the fool all the time..
i've been playing it since the start of the semester.. and its been more than 3.5 months!!
look at that!! and exams will be starting in April.. i better buck up..
i dont wanna repeat this sem.. no more skipping of tutorials anymore!!
damn.. i feel so screwed now...

anyways... i think i better go get my notes from the printers downstairs..
if not, they might be deleted from the system.. haa~

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 3/15/2005 10:30:00 AM

no money

lalala.. im broke.. flat broke.. i really wonder how am i going to pay for my driving lessons..
hopefully a mr diamond would come and save me.. haha
if ur thinking wat or who mr diamond is..
watch channel 8's 9pm tv serial 'you are the one' ...
and u'll know who it is.. LoL.. or rather, someone like that... hehe..

i wanna go for a vacation soon.. to a beach, hopefully redang..
then can go scuba-dive.. sun-tan and just laze the day away..
hopefully the companions are the right ones too...
or else, it'd be a waste of time and money, dont u think so?? haha...

gotta find a part-time job soon... need the cash to support my driving lessons..
i need to pass on my 2nd attempt.. i better pass...
now that i know wat i should do and wat that i shouldnt..
thats even more reason why i should pass... no more stupid mistakes like yesterday..

i'll be officially start studying tmr.. no more skipping of lectures and no more procrastination..
all my tutorial work is to be done.. lectures attended and understood..
and to pass the final exams, which would be coming pretty soon..
and then i can pass my time holidaying without any worries cause i knew i did my best...

but for now... its still talk and no action... tmr.. tmr is the day...
i think i'll just continue surfing rubbish sites and playing stupid games now..
LoL.. till next time...

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 3/08/2005 12:59:00 PM

i wanna cry

f.u.c.k.... i failed... damnit lar...
i cant believe i failed ... there was absolutely no error!!
he said i was dangerous in driving..
cut lanes abruptly.. sharp turnings.. overtaking dangerously..
changing of lanes caused other vehicles to take evasive actions...
i mean... c'mon!! heavy traffic leh... if dont cut lane then.. then when??
wah biang...

anyways.. my retest is on 13th May.. which is a FRIDAY!!
FRI e 13th leh!! kaoz...
its at 10.15am.. hopefully.. traffic is not that heavy and i get an easier route this time round...
at the mean time.. im back to spending money taking driving lessons..
i wanna die liao lah!!! broke...

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 3/07/2005 04:16:00 PM

driving test

omg... tmr... tmr is the day!!!
my VERY FIRST DRIVING TEST!! i am sooooo screwed today...
i screwed up twice on the slope...
car died on me TWICE!! and once was when i was stationary somemore!!
see how lousy am i?? omg.. i hafta be there at 11am tmr..
FINAL DRIVING LESSON!! i better do my best..
i wanna pass at my very first go.. and i know i can do it!!
its quite exhilarating to know that after tmr.. i could be on the streets by myself!!
driving around but too bad.. no car.. LoL~~
anyways.. just get da license first mah... the rest can wait... LoLs..
i dont know whether i can get a good night's rest tonight or not..
probably spend the night surfing crappy sites and all...
or just chat away.. if there's pple online....
i dont know.. received a few 'good luck's already.. so hopefully, they'll pull me thru tmr..
confidence is the most impt.. so yes!! i'm confident!!
I'M GOING TO PASS IT AT MY FIRST GO!! *punching fist into the air...*
hehehe.. i think its back to sing-along sessions with Fly to the Sky.. *listening to FTTS 'Gravity'... very nice.. muz listen k?? * hehe.. and surfing Neopets to release tension.. muahaha..
i know wat ur thinking.. so old liao still play Neopets..
but i like leh~~ so what can u do abt it?? mwehehe...

alrite.. i think that's all for today's post... hehe...
wishing myself all the best for tmr!! for tmr.. im going to be a certified driver!! yes!!

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 3/06/2005 10:41:00 PM

- About Moi -
Name: Ya(w)nz
Age: I'm getting the KEY in 2oo6!
Birthday: 19 July 85
School: Nanyang Technological University
Course: College of Engineering // Civil Engineering
E-Mail: wanna email me...?

add me @ friendster!

- Loves -
My girlfriends
My family
Mother Son Hubbers ((MSH))

- Loathes -

- Egg Babies -

- Wishlist -
#1 - Random Adidas Watches
yes, get me any of this and i'll love you!

#2 - Adidas jackets! Of any colour~
Adidas RAWKS!!

#3 - Anything with a CROWN TIARA CROWN!!
Eg: belts, necklaces, shirts, etc..
Make me feel like a real royalty!

#4 - Stuff toys!! Especially Squirt, Flounder or Nemo!!
I love plushies~ #5 - Zen Neeon.. Don't think anyone would give me this but still.. its
a wish! And if any kind soul is gonna buy this..
ORANGE or PURPLE please!
I really need one of these!

list still growing~..
- Days of Yore - - Her Decree - - Her Quondam Skins -
- Royal Entertainment -
.ntu official site.
.perfect 10.
.SG sell/trade.

- Royal-links -

an old blog of mine.. very un-updated..