blogskin dated: 24.apr.06
exams are *going to be* over

haa.. i finally finished all my core subjects papers today..
but i still got one more coming, my Prescribed Elective.. Understanding Chinese Cinema..
its an interesting course.. but hell, the paper's gonna rip me apart..
even thou i haf 3 whole days to prepare for the finale, i doubt its enuf..
i've got a whole lot of readings that are yet to be read..
and my lecturer had to just freaking set qns on them... *grr...*
and its those kind of qn like, who said this, who did that.. all major memorising work!!
i think my head's gonna explode before i even finish with the readings..
then i hafta know how the differents directors brought messages across to the audience, be it deliberate or not.. sheesh..
i think i can just shoot myself for not being consistent with my work..

anyways.. back to today's paper.. which is Physics II..
i felt it was quite easy to do.. not to forget that, formulas and those nonsensical constants are GIVEN..
so when it ended, the guy sitting on my right (( i happen to know him from my lab class... )) told me it was difficult..
i was like stunned.. and answered, "yeah.. quite ah.."
which was NOT what i thought.. damnit..
and knowing that isnt the worse thing.. the worse thing is, whenever you feel that a paper is easy for you, and others think its difficult..
i better not fail... cause i have absolutely NO intention in re-taking it..

haa... and after coming out of the exam hall...
i found out that my phone and my mp3 player are 'dead'.. lifeless..
BATTERY FLAT!! i cant believe my luck..
how 'lucky' can a girl get in one day....??

aights.. i think thats all for now.. im going to go study early tomorrow..
with my readings and lecture notes on the directors and all..
i better pass this PE.. or i can seriously go commit suicide..

oh yeah.. job-hunting starts tomorrow as well..
praying hard that i'll get a job asap.. and that it pays well too.. LoL..
till next time..

peace.. *muacks..*

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 4/25/2005 11:10:00 PM

go rot in hell

if you dont wanna tell, then dont! like who gives a fuck about your life? people interfere cause they cared.. but not anymore.. apparently, you can go rot in hell for all i care.. advise given, not heeded.. SO BE IT!! see who's the last one laughing..

now i know.. your priorities are like dirt.. nothing but dirt.. filthy flirt.. your life has officially turned into dust the moment you chose to turn your back towards me.. the moment you chose to turn a deaf ear on me.. at the very least, i'm where you're wishing you'll be.. while you're merely passing by, loitering around the gates, wishing you can get inside..

Its The End.. dont u understand? i doubt you'll ever understand, even if you're given infinity and a day.. continue sticking your head into the hole you've hidden yourself in.. may light never shine upon that lowlife of a life you call yours..

by the way... i think the life that you've lived till now.. its nothing but a big joke..

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 4/20/2005 11:38:00 PM

library's my 2nd home

Location: NTU Lib 1

Tuning in to: Perfect 10

Current Song: "Incomplete" by Backstreet Boys

hmm.. thoughts about this song? not too bad.. considering its da BSB.. *rolls eyes..* im not a BSB fan.. definitely not.. but neither am i anti-BSB...

anyways.. today's my 3rd paper.. Physics I later at 1.30pm.. open-book examination.. i think i'm just going to die in the exam hall... 4 qns in total.. so i think i'll probably leave out 1.. and complete the other 3 that i assume are easier.... -.-;;

well.. makes my chances of passing higher, wont it? cause i doubt i'll haf enuf time to flip thru the textbook and notes for all 4 qns... 3 would be sufficient, wouldnt it..?

im getting more and more anxious.. i wonder what sort of qn would be coming out.. i hope i have enough time.. and that i dont panic.. now just looking thru the past exam papers.. hoping that something similar would come out!! (( like it would... it'd be a miracle.. ))

ALSO.... something really irritating happened last night.. some IDIOT phoned LATE AT NIGHT!! not my phone but i'm still equally disturbed.. its as if the whole world follows his pace or something.. c'mon lar.. other people hafta wake up early and u call at like 11.45 pm.. be sensible wont u? and when asked if it was that particular idiot, the call-ie (( person who answered the call.. that is.. )) DENIED it.. and its not like da first time the idiot called LATE AT NIGHT some more.. and this call-ie has to luff so freaking disgustingly that the hair on my arms (( not that i have alot of them.. but its still freaky.. )) stood upright! yucks yucks yucks!! PLUS, its not like the call-ie has FREE incoming calls.. if he/she does, i wouldnt be making so much noise anyway.... thinks he/she is some Mr./Ms. Richie.. puh-lease lar... still owe people money still wanna waste money... frivolous.. and horribly sensible... NOT! er xin to the max.. you should have known better than to keep mixing with such kind of people.. sometimes, i just think that either you're deaf.. or you're just plain stupid.. its not the first time i told you to stay away from him.. but did you listen? NO! when you start to regret, it'll be all too late.. that is, if you even know whats to regret.. i supposed your just too caught up in your OWN life to even know that the world still spins even if you cease to exist..

anyways.. my nails are getting the turmoil of typing too much.. have this mentality that they might break anytime.. i'll just do a little more mugging for physics and hopefully, PASS the paper.. even thou i know its a killer.. sheesh..


Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 4/20/2005 10:36:00 AM

- About Moi -
Name: Ya(w)nz
Age: I'm getting the KEY in 2oo6!
Birthday: 19 July 85
School: Nanyang Technological University
Course: College of Engineering // Civil Engineering
E-Mail: wanna email me...?

add me @ friendster!

- Loves -
My girlfriends
My family
Mother Son Hubbers ((MSH))

- Loathes -

- Egg Babies -

- Wishlist -
#1 - Random Adidas Watches
yes, get me any of this and i'll love you!

#2 - Adidas jackets! Of any colour~
Adidas RAWKS!!

#3 - Anything with a CROWN TIARA CROWN!!
Eg: belts, necklaces, shirts, etc..
Make me feel like a real royalty!

#4 - Stuff toys!! Especially Squirt, Flounder or Nemo!!
I love plushies~ #5 - Zen Neeon.. Don't think anyone would give me this but still.. its
a wish! And if any kind soul is gonna buy this..
ORANGE or PURPLE please!
I really need one of these!

list still growing~..
- Days of Yore - - Her Decree - - Her Quondam Skins -
- Royal Entertainment -
.ntu official site.
.perfect 10.
.SG sell/trade.

- Royal-links -

an old blog of mine.. very un-updated..