blogskin dated: 24.apr.06
Initial D

woohoo~ just watched Initial D with the MSH peeps..
jia song~!! Jay Chou was soOooOoOooo shuai~
haha.. i think the show's not bad leh.. why got pple say not nice..
damn those people's taste..
dunno how to appreciate good stuff..

anyways.. im quite pissed with one girl from MSH..
cant stand her.. she seems to like sticking herself to my darl..
damn er xin.. cannot take it..
she dint give me a very good first impression liao..
and now.. its worsening lor..
she better leave my guy alone.. or else.......

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 6/30/2005 11:48:00 AM


havent blogged for a few days liaoz...
has anyone realised that i havent been online for quite some time??
ok.. actually its only 2 days lar... why??
cuz i freaking forgot i cancelled my SingNet and it was officially terminated on the 25th..
bloody hell.. then when i got home.. i was like, "what da hell?? wats with my com??"

anyways.. alot of things happened these few days..
quarrelled wif my sis on 25th.. why?? cuz this guy called at 1am and she tot it was an idiot..
and guess who it was?? it was some window installer guy whom my mom called earlier in da afternoon.....
bloody hell.. i cant believe i got scolded for nothing..
and got myself a sore throat i dint deserve at all.. stupid shortie..

and just now.. just got scolded by an idiot while online.. bloody hell..
shall not talk to idiot.. feel like slapping him left right up down..
hate him.. hate him.. hate him!! BLOODY IDIOT!!

by the way.. MSH peeps.. movie outing on the 30th k??
im organising.. uncle De(s)mon(d) is paying, i think..
but he has these movie tickets.. haa..
anyway.. will get back to you people lar.. LoL..
cept one particular asshole.......

ok.. dats all for now..

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 6/27/2005 01:34:00 PM

the heart is breaking

just woke up a few minutes ago.. saw this one particular SMS..
and i heard my heart cracking up.. and breaking into many pieces..
i shall not go into details..
but.. yet.. still..

i'm going to bathe now..
get cold water to chill my burning head and freeze the crying heart..

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 6/24/2005 08:15:00 AM

slappy fun

ok.. this crazy idiot reminded me to blog.. and for wat??
to tell everyone that he slapped me a total of 8 times by the time it was 10.45pm..
wow~ im sOoOoOOoOoOoO impressed...... NOT!!

anyways.. nothing much to say lar..
i need to work on my closing skills and get more sales!!

btw.. cheryl invited me to her bday party this thurs..
but i doubt i'll be able to attend.. why??
cuz MSH got chalet again! muahaha~ cant wait man..
but most prob not staying overnight ba.. see wat my mom says..
i havent told her yet.. but i should be able to stay out lar.. LoL~

anyways.. feeling a little tired..
but i got a call to wait for.. hehe..
and that idiot better call.. or else i'll slap him till he boom bubble..

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 6/24/2005 12:38:00 AM

hating you

i hate you.. i hate you.. i hate you..
i hate you for not taking care of yourself..
i hate you for skipping your meals..
i hate you for hanging up on me..
i hate you for not replying my messages..
i hate you for being so stubborn..
i hate you for making me love you..
i hate you i hate you i hate you..

but in the midst of all that..
i found myself hating myself even more..

i hate myself for being stupid..
i hate myself for being dumb..
i hate myself for being myself..
i hate myself for giving in..
i hate myself for i'm still alive in this bloody world right now..
i hate myself..
hating myself all the way to the core..

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 6/22/2005 12:30:00 AM

slacking is fun

sian sian sian... slacking in office right now.. its so bloody cold somemore..
wearing songsong's jacket now.. so bloody big lar..
and it totally stinks of norris' cologne.. yucks..
i feel like sneezing sia.. jia lat.. not feeling well sia..
but thank god my sore throat is ok liao.. just left with the flu..
nose super clogged up lor but still can smell norris.. oh damnit..
and my coffee is turning cold lor.. this is super bad..
waiting for the girls to come into office.. ZzZzZzZ~
i dunno what to say liao lor.. blogging blogging blogging..
blogging rubbish now lor..

anyways.. i dint have a good night's rest again..
woke up at 6plus with a blocked nose.. super jia lat lor..
its 3 days in a row liao.. dun even noe why i wake up so early somemore..
tonight sure cannot sleep early again.. why??
the girls are coming my place to sleep..
and most prob we're going to play mahjong throughout the whole night..
after we come back from the le nanxing karaoke pub..
sia lar.. i cant drink tonight also.. later who look after the girls..
this is bad sia.. need to bring them home.. haa~

but thank god.. im meeting YEAN BABY!! haha~
miss that boy so much.. havent seen him in such a long time..
but im seeing him tonight! yay~ he told shilin that he will K tonight..
but too bad i cant K.. my throat CMI liaoz..

and i miss my besties!! dint meet them on Sat.. siokhui's bday..
i feel so bad.. i need to pass siokhui her bday gifts too... haa...
missing so many people.. this job is taking up too much of my personal time sia..
but wat to do?? i like my job or else i wont be coming in so frequently..
and i cant let my supervisors down.. i wanna hit my incentive also.. hehe..

ok lar.. i think thats all for now ba..
think i shall blog again tmr morning at 3am when the girls are prolly half awake or something..
shall go buy mahjong paper now ba..
since there's so much time left before the girls reach my place..
or else i dun think the shop will be open tonight when i get hm.. haa..
should i buy a carrom board as well?? so long nvr play also.. haiz..

alright.. toodles.. bye pple.. dun miss me too muchie k??
love all you guys who know me.. *muacks..*

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 6/21/2005 01:48:00 PM

a brand new beginning

damn pissed off now lor.. mom is bloody nagging into my ear..
its supposedly a good day but it ended up like shit..

anyways.. its just a month away to my bday.. sia lar..
so near yet so far.. and on my bday, there's another occasion which i shall not say of right now... SECRET!! muahaha~

also.. it was Siokhui's bday yesterday lor..
but i dint celebrate it wif her.. my bad.. but i had to work..
jia lat.. present still at home lor.. dunno when then got time to pass to her..
haiz.. cant help it.. went to a fren's fren bbq some more lor..
but that was after work lar.. thats why can go..
but Siokhui gotta be hm by dunno wat time leh..
so well...... next time lar girl........ hee...

and then.. got a FANTASTIC location today.. *winks*
TAMPINES MRT!! closed 5 freakin deals there.. woohoo~
power sia... lalalalalala...
tmr taking off.. cuz too tired liaoz.. then got tuition at night some more..

haa.. today's Father's Day some more lor..
bloody rushed to Topman to buy a top for my dad..
with someone's help.. haha.. *winkz..*
thank god i got the correct size sia.. or else hafta go back to change..

and another Fxxxed up thing that happened was..........
i told Lau Goh i was heading hm to rest cuz im not feeling well..
then i head down to clementi to find pple mah..
but while on the train, Lau Goh called to tell him he helped me close a customer from earlier on..
then he say he call me later to give me da invoice details..
so yeah.. he called and guess wat?!
this bloody UL was calling his "dear" to tell her to bring his stupid oakleys to office tmr..
and after he hanged up, Lau Goh called..
i was so damn pissed lor... answer my calls WITHOUT permission!!
so what if you know that person??
what makes you think you haf the rite to answer the call??
who the hell are you to be picking up my calls??
i did not bloody gif u permission to answer it lor!!
ARGH~~ i was so angry that i kicked him in the shin.. i think..
but c'mon lor.. bloody respect pple's privacy lor..
i lent you the phone cuz urs was dead but that doesnt entitle you to MISUSE my phone!!
and Lau Goh tot i went drinking when i'm sick!!
how bad can things get man..... that stupid son-of-a-gun...

anyways.. my 'counseller' told me that im also in the wrong..
so well.. i sent an SMS to apologise..
even thou i very much dont want too........ grr....

haiz... i think thats all for tonight lar...
waiting for a phone call... hehe.. toodles~

good night.. sleep tight..
dun let the bed bugs bite.....

Just a Sales Person

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 6/19/2005 11:26:00 PM

MSH drunkards

today met up with yean baby.. and he came with joice, from starhub direct..
and the both of them are damn touchy at k-box lar..
probably cuz joice was dead drunk liao lar..
dunno what happened at k-box cuz she was like shouting away and all..
but i just know that things would turn out very ugly if yean's gf saw it..
and thank god she wasnt there..

seriously speaking, joice is a very nice lady.. i like her even thou i've only met her twice..
its just that.. i dunno.. i just feel it doesnt seem right lar.. dunno how to phrase it also..
but any-o-how.. joice is inviting me to her birthday party.. yay~

and really.. MSH direct sales pple have a habit of getting drunk sia..
everytime go k-box sure got at least 2 drunks..
today.. got 4 drunks.. 2 of them: eunice & gwen darling...
gwen simply refuses to admit she's drunk.. eunice too..
other then them, joice & this new guy, daryl, was also drunk..
daryl even wanted to pee in public...
his fren, ethan, had to drag him to some water fountain to pee cuz paradiz centre was closed already.. so jia lat sia..
and gwen kept saying, "daryl very cute.." *crow flies past..*

haiz.. anyway, thank god i aint drunk...
part of it due to the fact that im allergic to chivas thats why i dint drink alot.. only had a little Tiger beer, which i HATE sooo much..
haa.. going to slp liao lar.. quite tired..
already 4.45am liao lor.. almost 5am sia.. jin jia lat..

till the next blogging session then..
Lurve all you people... *muacks!*

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 6/08/2005 04:37:00 AM

green monster

sia lar!! Yean baby went back to office today!! mwehehe~
and i saw him!! he looks so GREEN lor.. mebbe i should call him Green Monster liao..
anyways.. i made something for yean baby lar..
it WAS supposed to be a heart-shaped plate with yean baby's name..
while we, as in me & eunice, were @ Killiney Kopitiam wif yean baby n richard..
then i think they heard it cuz it was quite loud.....
sia lar.. then me n eunice went to bugis to search for something to hide da crack..
but in the end, i had to search for it myself cuz eunice darling had to go for her lessons........
but thank god i found something to salvage the plate..
and yean baby msged to say thanks.. and he appreciated it.. *whew*

and today!! jason baby looked so handsome lar!!
he was in formal attire today.. probably cuz he was gonna attend a dinner at night so yeah..
but still... JIA HANDSOME SIA!! first time i saw him in formal wear..
also the first time i see him looking so si wen.. so gentleman-like..
he'd look better with a tie and a coat but we'll leave it to next time..
haha.. then juz now, auntie sharon told me that jason used to have jie pi!!
ie: he loves to be neat n tidy..
but now ar.. juz take a look at his table in the office...
JIE li pat po sia... it SoOOoOoOo messy lar... ta boleh tahan!!

back to work matters.. today did OTR at Yew Tee..
and before we got to the location, songsong call me to tell me the other outsource company was doing a roadshow there sia..
then i had to call des & jason.. thank god today there is our location..
then jason ning called the other outsource to pack up n go..
macham like PackNet liddat.. Pack-n-Go.. LoLz..
then songsong told me that the other outsource super slack..
nvr approach potential customers and just stand ard nia... LOL!!
how to do sales liddat?! go n die lor.. liddat only waste the crowd nia..

haa.... then eunice darling got bullied by derrick n dzul..
slap the both of them left right up down lar..
they really got so much free time sia... whole day bully pple.....
zzz zzz..

anyway.. gotta go slp soon liao lar.. already 12.15am ler..
nitez pple..
love you guys always.. esp my girlfriends and the MSH pple..
cept for the bloody asshole mengwong.. and perhaps ken..
MSH pple should know who they are lar.. LoL..

till next time~

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 6/06/2005 11:54:00 PM


hmm.. blogging today after a 'long' day at work..
today did canvassing but only reached the location given at ard 9..
so the result was not that bad.. got 1 sale!! yay~
and also.. me and eunice darling got 2 boxes of chilli during canvassing!!
the home owner was so kind lar.. he got both SCV & MaxOnline liao..
but he still chatted with us and gave us 2 boxes of chilli which he sells for $2 each!!
sia lar... tmr i'm going to buy a ribbon and tie both boxes..
and then SMS Yean baby to go collect it from my roadshow location..

and today.. i got a happy news too.. i got promoted!!
it came as a surprise really.. but i'm now a unit leader and leading 5 people..
i hope i'm up to the job.. i must prove to myself and to Yean baby, Jason baby and uncle Desmond..
i SMSed Yean baby once i got the news and he was happy for me.. hehe..
i miss him so much sia.. one less person to disturb in office liao..
and now that his table is almost cleared, it just makes MSH feels emptier..

haiz.. shall not talk about unhappy stuff already..
to all MSH people.. old and new..
bring in more sales, aite? Love you all to bits..
especially my Yean baby... muacks..

good night~

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 6/04/2005 01:33:00 AM

YEAN rawks

havent blogged for such a long time sia..
i'm now working.. MSH direct.. almost a month already..
how time flies sia... i made a lot of friends there too...
really loved the time i spent there.. but now that someone's gone, MSH will nvr be the same again..

this very one man created laughter in the working area..
and this guy is someone that all the students there respect very much..
he is one damn good salesman.. and i have yet to learn enough from him..
but he got stabbed in the back... by people whom he once treated as brothers..
so much for brotherhood.. even thou these 'brothers' of his treats us students very well too..
but i shall remain neutral.. for one will nvr know the absolute truth..
for there is no such thing as the absolute truth..

well.. went to watch "Monster-in-Law" today with the MSH people...
diana, shilin, eunice, karen, giles, norris, alex, derrick, dzul..
and the most IMPT guy.... YEAN~ (( he's who i've mentioned before.. ))
haa.. its sad to see him leave.. but life still has to go on...
plus.. its not like he's 6 feet under or anything..
we can always ask him out for a drink or supper..

i'm really thankful to have known this bunch of crazy people..
i really am.. i've never been so bonded to my colleagues in such a short time..
and i doubt i'll be able to forget them any time soon..
my yean baby, my darling eunice, my paradise queen -> shilin..
the princess -> diana, reindeer norris, the idiotic rapper -> sofian..
my uncle demon -> desmond, my jason baby, my dear gwendarling..
the Mac crew: 'Nugget' karen, 'Sundae' lina, 'Hamburger' ah tat..
'Soft Toy' steph and all..
seriously.. there are too many to name.....

if any of you MSH pple sees my blog.. do take care of yourself..
and think of me.. study hard.. do SMS me time to time..
and i've free incoming calls!! so feel free to call~

signing off.. Huiyan..
loving all you guys..

ps: we'll still meet & go out together.. right? *smiles..*

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 6/02/2005 11:36:00 PM

- About Moi -
Name: Ya(w)nz
Age: I'm getting the KEY in 2oo6!
Birthday: 19 July 85
School: Nanyang Technological University
Course: College of Engineering // Civil Engineering
E-Mail: wanna email me...?

add me @ friendster!

- Loves -
My girlfriends
My family
Mother Son Hubbers ((MSH))

- Loathes -

- Egg Babies -

- Wishlist -
#1 - Random Adidas Watches
yes, get me any of this and i'll love you!

#2 - Adidas jackets! Of any colour~
Adidas RAWKS!!

#3 - Anything with a CROWN TIARA CROWN!!
Eg: belts, necklaces, shirts, etc..
Make me feel like a real royalty!

#4 - Stuff toys!! Especially Squirt, Flounder or Nemo!!
I love plushies~ #5 - Zen Neeon.. Don't think anyone would give me this but still.. its
a wish! And if any kind soul is gonna buy this..
ORANGE or PURPLE please!
I really need one of these!

list still growing~..
- Days of Yore - - Her Decree - - Her Quondam Skins -
- Royal Entertainment -
.ntu official site.
.perfect 10.
.SG sell/trade.

- Royal-links -

an old blog of mine.. very un-updated..