blogskin dated: 24.apr.06
21 rules

1. Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully.
2. Marry a man/woman you love to talk to. As you get older, their conversational skills will be as important as any other.
3. Don't believe all you hear, spend all you have or sleep all you want.
4. When you say, "I love you," mean it.
5. When you say, "I'm sorry," look the person in the eye.
6. Be engaged at least six months before you get married.
7. Believe in love at first sight.
8. Never laugh at anyone's dreams. People who don't have dreams don't have much.
9. Love deeply and passionately. You might get hurt but it's the only way to live life completely.
10. In disagreements, fight fairly. No name calling.
11. Don't judge people by their relatives.
12. Talk slowly but think quickly.
13. When someone asks you a question you don't want to answer, smile and ask, "Why do you want to know?"
14. Remember that great love and great achievements involve great risk.
15. Say "bless you" when you hear someone sneeze.
16. When you lose, don't lose the lesson.
17. Remember the three R's: Respect for self; Respect for others; and Responsibility for all your actions.
18. Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship.
19. When you realize you've made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it.
20. Smile when picking up the phone. The caller will hear it in your voice.
21. Spend some time alone.

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 10/31/2005 04:08:00 PM

happy halloween~

yay~ its halloween once again~
but.. nobody's free to go out and celebrate it with me..
i wanna dress up as a witch!
mebbe next yr i guess... =)

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 10/31/2005 01:11:00 AM

for guys

How to Save Your Relationship
by Cucan Pemo

If you are constantly fighting and getting into conflicts with the love of your life, and are always wondering why your girlfriend or wife can never understand you, you can do something to bring back the passion in your relationship with her. The results you want may not be instant; in fact, anything which promises you overnight success is always bogus. However, your desired results will come surely and certainly, just as the sun will rise from the East every morning, if you will put in the right effort, patience,and concentration.

Here are some simple strategies to get you started, and before long, you should be able to break the barriers of stubbornness, of blindness, and of bitterness in your relationship with your love done, and replace them with feelings of affection, warmth, laughter, and love for you.

1) Be the solution
Find out for yourself and understand the reasons which bring about all the fighting, arguments, and even break-ups. You havethe power to turn the relationship around to your favor and create that long-lasting and harmonious relationship which you so desire.Whatever difficulties or obstacles you are facing in your relationship right now, know that if you change your attitude, your outer environment will change as well.

Be the solution, and start watching miracles happen.

2) It's about being the right man
If you take your relationship seriously, are sure you want to love this woman all your life, and even keep her by your side, you have to decide to be the right man to her. By this, I do not mean to say you have to change drastically into something else and not being yourself anymore. Trust me, if you are not being yourself, no women would ever want to be with you. Women love honest, trustworthy, and committed men.

One of my clients whom I have worked with previously has this to say: "If you are happy with the way I have done something,just tell me so; don't pretend to be happy just to please me or pacify me. And don't pretend to be something which you are not!" To be the right and true man, you just have to understand what women want, and give it to them.

There is one immortal truth of life I would like to share with you, and it is this: If you want to influence anyone (including your love interest) to your way of thinking, and to your way of doing things, give them what THEY want!

3) Women love romance much more than you think
Your woman loves romance, and she wants romance more than you think! To be romantic and sensitive to her needs and wants is something which will come naturally to most men during the courting and wooing phase of their relationship with a woman. During this period, when a man wants a woman badly, he will want to do anything and everything to win over her heart. He is eager to find out what turns her on, her likes and dislikes, and what exactly will attract her. So what does a man usually do? He will try to be attractive for the the women of his life! He never stops dating and courting her, giving her unexpected surprises, making her jump and squeak with delight. In addition, he will try very, very hard not to do anything which will turn her off,or which will not please her.

The truth is, your woman is still looking for romance and your pampering, even after both of you have reached the 'steady' phase in a relationship. Thus, your woman can never get tired of more romance and attention from you, especially if she really loves you. Bear this in mind.

4) For women, love is their number-one priority
"But she is so unreasonable, she is too controlling and manipulative. She always wants to find out my whereabouts. Who does she think she is? A detective?" "She is so demanding, wanting me to call her every single hour of the day, and if I'm late, or I've forgotten to call, I've got to watch out!" These are the common complaints made by many frustrated men who cannot seem to figure out what is going on in their relationship. If you find yourself in a similar situation, here is a solution for you. First, you have to understand that women think and behave very differently from men. You will not be able to change anyone, including her, just as she cannot change you. It's not within our power to control or change another person. However, you can try to understand your woman, and know why she thinks and behaves as she does. With your new-found knowledge of this woman, you'll be able to strategize and know what to say and how to react with the objective of bringing more harmony and peace to your relationship.

For now, just try to understand that once a woman gets into a relationship, she will make love her number-one priority. Whatever she does, no matter how she says it, it is because YOU are her number-one priority right now! This is how she sees love and defines love. If she wants you to call, that's because she wants to know that you are thinking of her, and that she is loved. So,what you can do is, if you say you will call three hours later, mean it, and don't make excuses or deny if you forget all about it. It means a lot to her. If you cannot make the call during that time, make it a point to let her know, or send her a text message to say it is inconvenient for you to call. If you take it lightly, and can't be bothered to call, guess what will happen? She will be sitting at home feeling miserable and frustrated, wondering whether you really love her and care enough to keep your promises, and very likely she will end up wondering if there is something very wrong with HERSELF! The factors leading to a relationship or marriage break-up are often not because of the differences between men and women. It is your attitude and methods of treating these differences that matter. If you will put your heart and soul into really understanding your woman, and BECOME the solution, you will be able to save your failing relationship. To create a long-lasting and harmonious relationship or marriage, patience, tolerance, and perseverance are the keys.

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 10/30/2005 03:20:00 PM


wooo~~ jus came back from a game of pool...
not too bad... had a few good games...
played pretty well even thou i've not played for quite a long time..

had a mini sec sch gathering at my place just now..
saw fren(s) that i've not seen for quite some time..
was quite happy.. played some mahjong...
some guys got kinda drunk... i think...
but well... i dint touch a drop of liquor.. hehe...
i dont like beer lar... i seriously hate da taste of it..

hmm.. actually, there's nothing much to say today la..
shall go play some maple now....
then..... hafta wait for vic, herman and baoyan to leave... zzz..
hafta wake up early for tuition later today also...
die... he predicted that i'll push back da tuition..
and i think i will.. lols.. tired leh...
haa..... and i wanna celebrate halloween~
i wanna dress up as a witch!! lols..
shall see who's free on monday...
then mebbe tuesday go clubbing...
depends on wat time the guys book out that night..
sat... might be another round of steamboat then go clubbing..
i'm also not sure.. the guys cant make up their mind sia..
so po ma for males lor.... haaa......
shall wait and see la....
but for da next week... i need to study..
exams are coming soon... and i've not studied a single shit yet..
damnit.... gotta start mugging for the whole of next week...
haa... anyway.. maple first! toodles~

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 10/30/2005 02:22:00 AM

today's the deadline

well.. by 12 midnight today.. i'll leave that old shell of mine already..
its been far too long...
dragging it.. will only make me feel worse..

anyway.. i got my tragus pierced today!!
cost me a bloody 68 bucks sia...
finally got my hair trimmed as well...
been wanting to go cut the split ends for god knows how long..
then went to carrefour with mom..
and finally (again.... -_-;;) got my long-awaited earphones..
can finally listen to my mp3 player once again... hehe..
woah.. that's a whole lot of 'finally's sia.. haha..
then met baoyan at city hall.. travelled to tampines..
met serena there.. cuz she travel there from sengkang faster..
rather than ask her go orchard... can forget abt meeting her then..
cuz it'll only end up with me and baoyan alone only lor..
furthermore, serena ends work at 6 whereas baoyan finishes at 5.30..
wanted to go catch the new korean horror movie 'Cello'..
but sadly, neither tamp mall nor century sq cinemas are screening that..
and neither are they showing 'The Wig' also..
and that has been out for soooo~ long liao lor... damnit..
we ended up feasting at pizza hut..
and i feel so damn full now lor..
plus i can still smell da sweet & spicy chix drumlets.. lols..
disgusting.. i know.. but i dont care! haha..
serena went off early as usual.. cuz her mom was at tamp mall ler..
so me and baoyan.. went to slack for a while..
had some things to do so we bought a drink and sat down at yoshi..
then finally completed the task..
and then......... we heard thunder..... and saw lightning!!
damn!! heavy rain lor.. huishi sms me to ask if i was on my way home..
and thankfully.. daddy came with an umbrella to fetch me..
haha.. thanks daddy~ love you..
he's always doing the things that mum and sis doesnt wanna do..
cuz i actually asked for either of them to go fetch me..
end up daddy had to do the job.. lols..
thats what a man is for! haha..

well.. guess thats it for today's entry..
going inside maple story to meet baoyan ler..

happy birthday daryl! today aint a sad day..
thats only what you perceive it as.. be happy~

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 10/27/2005 11:38:00 PM

hit by realisation

saw a report on TVmobile while on da way to school just now..
was abt a 92 year old lady sky-diving..
to finally have her dream come true after so long..
and i started thinking......
man.. i've got so many things that i wanna do..
i wanna go sky-diving.. backpacking around the world..
climb each and every single mountain..
try each and every thrilling sport there is..
bungee-jump at every bungee-jumping spot..
go diving in each and every sea and ocean..
go visit the bermuda triangle..
abseil down from all the tallest buildings there are..
and what im doing now...
isnt letting me get anywhere near my dreams..
just plain studying.. staying at home...
wont get me even an inch closer to either one of them..
maybe i should just drop out from school..
then go on a journey.. to fulfill my dreams..
and let my dreams come true...

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 10/26/2005 05:05:00 PM


woah.. been almost a week since i last blogged...
well.. there aint much to say really..
had a chalet last friday.. but turned out quite badly..
been mapling almost 24/7 nowadays..
just realised my exam is going to start on the 7th nov..
and that im pretty screwed up now..
also that tmr.......
haa... shan't say abt it..
think i'll go bathe first..
while waiting for the maple server update to be done..

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 10/26/2005 09:07:00 AM

101 days

maybe i'm asking for too much..
but right now, i only wish to relive those 101 days..
101 days of happiness, sadness and tears..
but is it possible?
things seem better off as of now...

i'm slowly getting back on my feet..
however... i feel that i will not be the same person i used to be..

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 10/21/2005 09:24:00 AM


i once heard from someone...
that one is an idiot when he loves someone..
and that, one is lucky when he has someone who loves him..
all i wanna be is that... a lucky idiot..

just reminiscing about some things..
if only........

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 10/19/2005 02:04:00 AM

missing internet

ah!! couldn't go online for the past few days...
soooo sian man... seems like the computer is redundant..
now slacking in yean's office...
making good use of what internet connection there is...
before eunice comes to snatch it away from me~~

haha.. anyway, played mahjong at my place till 3 plus in the morning..
scary sia.. was losing.. but thank god got a few limits...
then won back a bit.. $3 only lar..
but at least never lose..
and specially for gwen, she need not play money.. lols..
or else gwen wont come.. than will be short of 1 player..
then we sat up to discuss some things till 6am liddat..
till i finally KO.. had to sleep sia..
damn tired already.. lols..

hmmm... there's so much to do.. and so little time..
filled with so much anticipation...
yet im afraid of disappointment..
cant wait to get things over and done with..
but fear is not easy to be dealt with..

im just here.. praying.. and hoping..

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 10/17/2005 01:49:00 PM

to don or not to don

hmm... now in yean's office..
eunice and gwen wanna don in office lor...
dunno whether i should anot...
later kenna scolded by my mom sia...
well... lets just wait and see lar..
there's things to discuss now..
those things can wait till later... cheers~

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 10/13/2005 10:05:00 PM

maple server done

haa.. no maple!! can die sia...
dunno doing what client patch kinda stuff..
the server will only be up at 8pm...
so sian-ing away for now...

diana called me just now to go play mahjong at her place..
but rejected her.. haha..
too tired also lar.. haa..
yesterday maple with alfred and alex till almost 5am..
then had to wake up early...
meet hongjun to get my stuff at 1 liddat..
and i was late... zzz.. *paiseh lar...*

for now i shall just slack around and do nothing..
watch tv.. oh ya!! my jay chou concert cd...
hongjun burned for me sia.. go watch now.. lols..

and its only another week...
was looking forward to next wednesday..
but.... let's forget it lar...
there's no meaning anymore...

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 10/13/2005 06:35:00 PM


listening to: 'Hao Xin Fen Shou'
~ Wang Lee Hom & Candy Lo

life seems so boring nowadays...
i feel like i've got no mood to do anything anymore..
went out with diana & shilin yesterday..
then was told something that was impactful...
well... halfway told actually...
cuz what was impactful was not said..
or rather, it was somehow forgotten...
i hope when it is remembered, i'd be told asap....

then went to play mahjong again....
seems like these days, its always mj, mj and more mj....
its scary... like a mj addict liddat..
i better stop.. and do things more meaningful...
the whole game.. i only won like twice..
thankfully i got one limit... that compensated my losses...
then overall, i won a pathetic 30 cents...
diana was the big winner... lols...
seems like whoever's place it is, that person will win..
i also dunno... everytime liddat oso..
go eunice's place, eunice win..
but go victor's place, baoyan win....
maybe thats the wierdo place lar..
or perhaps its cuz vic has a gay partner...
haha.. watashi mo wakaranai desu yo...

going to meet my bestie this sat..
then dunno what my frens are going to plan this sun...
next sun we're going canoeing.. but dunno where yet...
feel like playing paintball sia...
but its expensive.. see what the rest say first..
i'm just looking forward to the weekends..
and i feel like hugging and kissing the girls for being so sweet..
keep planning activities.. trying to keep me busy liddat..
even thou they dont say it.. i know..
watashi no tomodachi.... aishiteru...

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 10/12/2005 12:04:00 PM

just things

i'm feeling tired now... cuz of the number of late nights up..
i'm feeling happy now... cuz i found out something good..
i'm feeling blessed now... cuz yesterday was a good day..

at last, i got an answer to what has been troubling me for so long..
and im glad... that its not a negative one...
yesterday was a pretty good day..
10.oct.05 is a day i'll remember.. maybe not forever..
but for now.. its one of the best days i've ever had..

shall go maple now... then prolly sleep a little more..
then go school... or maybe, just skip sch and go yean's office!
haha.. i dunno lar..
see how things go lor.... =)

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 10/11/2005 08:42:00 AM

at eunice's place!

well.. staying over at eunice's place today..
why? cuz i missed both the bus and train home from sengkang..
damn sad lor..
play mahjong till 11 plus.. ended up losing.. AGAIN!
omg.. i cannot take it liao lor..
eunice, diana, shilin & gwen are playing mahjong now..
and i'm just.... an advisor... to gwen.. lols..
she abit blur one lar.. lols..
everytime forget to take her tiles one... haha...
well.. going to enjoy some girl time with them..
and its finally time to discuss things with them!!
haa.. ciao pple..

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 10/10/2005 12:35:00 AM

gastric strikes again

damnit damnit damnit... my gastric is starting up again..
its hurting damn bad liao lar..
cannot take it... hopefully it'll go away tmr morning..
but i seriously doubt so.... haa...

anyway.. just got back from victor's place...
played mahjong AGAIN... at my place, with eunice & diana & huishi..
followed by another 2 rounds @ vic's place with baoyan, vic & lionel..
won abt 5 bucks at my place...
but ended up losing at vic's place..
today's total loss: $2++ ...
then still plus cab fare... abt $5 gone!! omg...
thank god vic stays at whampoa.. then quite cheap..
plus its being shared by 3 pple.. lols...

well.. was supposed to discuss some things with eunice they all..
but end up.. karen, shilin, lina cannot make it..
gwen overslept.. zzz... and she came to my place to slp somemore..
lols.. but we ended up discussing abt the thing for 5 mins..
then concentrate on mahjong ler... haha..
haa.. bo bian.. hafta discuss next time when online ler ba..
i also dunno... all i know now.. is that i'm gonna maple for a while..
then grab something to eat.. take medicine..
and sleep... then hafta wake up at 8am..
go tuition.. all the way till 3.30..
then go with huishi to repair her phone..

haa... 'hectic' day ahead..
and alex is rushing me for maple ler..
gotta go.. ciao~

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 10/09/2005 02:59:00 AM


haa... just sent diana and shilin to the mrt station..
haha... played mahjong with them and huishi..
won quite a bit.. almost 30 bucks.. and playing only 10 cents 20 cents..
once again, pt proven: lucky in gambling when unlucky in love..
wonder if i'll win tmr as well.. lols..
but i win until i quite paiseh....
well... to my dear girls, next time come play again ar!!
shilin: ask ethan along.. then me n diana win his money for you.. lols..

shall go play maple now..
dunno what to do already...

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 10/07/2005 10:43:00 PM

aching all over

took a cab and got home after 12 last night...
damn broke.. forgot i dint have cash on me..
then had to run to the atm machine to withdraw money..
so paiseh lar... haa... 13 bucks flew away just liddat..

i dint have a good night's sleep either..
spent a huge amount of time.. tossing and turning on my bed..
thinking about some things.. trying to figure out their meanings..
but it was so damn exhausting, trying to guess..
and think i slept in a wrong posture or something..
i'm aching everywhere now.. my back, and my neck especially..
and my left knee is now giving me problems..
cant seem to stand still on it..
argh! and i got a freaking throbbing headache.....
damn... i really must be falling sick already..
must drink more diamond water.. feel damn dehydrated..

just got another tuition assignment last night.. yay!
at least i know i'll be having an extra income for the next year or so..
gotta save up like nobody's business..
aint going to be a spendthrift anymore..
not that i was before..
but i was spending a tad more than i usually did for the past months...
gotta change that..

i think i shall go sleep somemore.. or should i continue with maple?
i dunno lar...
think go bathe first.. then get my mind cleared up..
sch later.. another compulsary lesson... lab session..
then tuition from 6 to 9pm..
wah.. i cannot take it man...
think i might just conk out and fall asleep while there.. lols..
this is just another meaningless entry..
just blogging for the sake of blogging.. hehe...

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 10/06/2005 11:11:00 AM

falling sick

i'm falling sick... can feel the fever coming already..
all those late nights, trying to keep myself busy..
giving tuition like nobody's business.. mahjong, mapling..
im feeling quite tired.. shagged out already..
and my stomach aint taking it too well.. my whole bowel system in fact..
all i want now, is just someone to take care of me..
i dont like to put on a facade in front of those i know..
if i'm happy, i'm happy.. if i'm sad, i'm sad..
i dont think pple would want to guess what i'm thinking..
it gets very tiring after a while..
i know it for myself... cuz i hate to guess..
whats so wrong with showing your emotions?
maybe if you're angry, you can walk away and just dont care..
but dont blow up in front of everyone..
makes da scene very ugly..
and if you're happy, tell everyone that..
let those around you feel your joy..
esp if you're going thru some tough times..
this will let them worry less for you..
if you're worried, tell and share with your friends..
it lightens your load when there's a listening ear..
they might be unable to help.. but at the very least, you know they'll be there for you..

i dont know why did i come up with such an entry.. haha..
got sch at 1.30pm.. feel so tired..
but this lesson is compulsary.. some drawing project to do...
guess i'll jus go maple before everything..
hope alfred's there.. then i can leech off him.. haha..

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 10/05/2005 09:58:00 AM


its bedtime soon... actually, its supposed to be now lar..
but decided to do a little entry today.. hehe..
just finished mapling with alfred and alex..
alfred helped a great lot by helping me n alex lvl up..
leaching EXP points off him.. haha..
daryl also helped a bit.. gave me some items...
got to lvl 8 and got my job as a mage already..
thanks alot guys! i'm new at this, so bear with me!!

anyway.. went strolling down orchard with gwen baby juz now..
since 5 plus to abt 10pm.. nearly 5 hours worth of walking exercise!!
from yean's office in clarke quay.. all the way to ps..
then from ps.. to heerens.. and then cineleisure...
down towards taka.. and curved into far east..
'trekked' down lucky plaza and back all the way to ps..
then 'hiked' to paradiz, where gwen boarded her bus..
and i sauntered my way home...
and i dint take any public transport along da way..
and my knees are hurting now.. esp the right one..
it felt like my calf is gonna detach itself from the thigh..
and now.. my left knee is feeling so sore..
i hope my right knee gets better when i wake up tmr..
if not, i'm going to hafta skedaddle my way to bugis..
then roll down the floors (or up) to guardian (or watsons)..
and buy myself a stupid knee guard...
but was told that a knee guard is too flimsy...
well... what to do?? if it doesnt get better tmr, i'll hafta try it..

haa... and its raining outside now..
damn cold lar.. and i can hear thunder..
better get to bed and hide under my blankie and hug my bolster already..
later kenna hit by lightning.. or rather, thunder..
cuz as my qwek said.. "i dun wan u to get struck by thunder.."
pjc pple wud get wat i said.. *lol*
okie dokie.. nights pple..
remember that i love you all ok?

ps: i cant wait for sat to come!! mahjong @ vic's place..
and meeting my dear msh pple in da afternoon..
its gonna be an eventful weekend for me..
i just know it.. im filled with anticipation~!!

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 10/05/2005 03:06:00 AM

is this me?

i feel like i'm losing myself..
at some points in time, i felt like cracking..
but in front of my loved ones, i had to put up a brave front..
can anyone realise this hurt of mine?
i feel like talking to someone..
but it feels like no one understands..
all i know is that of this moment....
i want to talk to someone..
holding some hopes that my phone might ring just this instant..
waiting for eunice to gimme a call..
or even better, that someone i still love..

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 10/04/2005 09:19:00 AM

in the midst of everything

i'm feeling quite good today...
even thou at some point of time, i felt like i was shattering apart again..
but well... as of now, i'm feeling happy..
talked to quite a few people..
though most were against what i have already decided...
they said they'll gimme their support..
not that if they objected, i'd change my mind...
no no no... its very much the opposite..
i'd continue with it... even if i hafta carry on by myself..
but thank god.. the support is coming from everywhere..

had a phone conference with gwen baby n eunice darling last nite..
lasted for 2 hours plus!! OMG~ exact time?? 2hr 34min 49s.. LoL..
not exactly the longest but.. its been a long time since we talked for so long..
i'm meeting these 2 girls, plus karen, shilin and some others this sat..
thankful for this grp of people who are there for me..
and yes, we've got something up our sleeves! haha..
not telling you yet... some of you might know already....
but still!! not telling.. prefer to keep it to myself... =P

okie dokes.. going to Yean's office now..
cant wait to see my lovely supporters.. mwehehe...

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 10/03/2005 01:47:00 PM

maple story

well.. started mapling today...
under da advice of baoyan.. haha..
going in thr to kill things really keeps my mind busy..

anyway.. juz had a mahjong session with baoyan, victor n his fren..
won a bit... cuz played quite small oso...
heard of the phrase, "unlucky in love but lucky in gambling"...?
or something like that??
well... its been proven... was da 'big winner' today...
but mom was like disturbing me n nagging behind my back..
haha.. played till 3am liddat...
then im going to continue my maple story now..
its quite addictive.. and gets my mind off alot of things..

well.. back to killing those freaks...

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 10/02/2005 04:35:00 AM

- About Moi -
Name: Ya(w)nz
Age: I'm getting the KEY in 2oo6!
Birthday: 19 July 85
School: Nanyang Technological University
Course: College of Engineering // Civil Engineering
E-Mail: wanna email me...?

add me @ friendster!

- Loves -
My girlfriends
My family
Mother Son Hubbers ((MSH))

- Loathes -

- Egg Babies -

- Wishlist -
#1 - Random Adidas Watches
yes, get me any of this and i'll love you!

#2 - Adidas jackets! Of any colour~
Adidas RAWKS!!

#3 - Anything with a CROWN TIARA CROWN!!
Eg: belts, necklaces, shirts, etc..
Make me feel like a real royalty!

#4 - Stuff toys!! Especially Squirt, Flounder or Nemo!!
I love plushies~ #5 - Zen Neeon.. Don't think anyone would give me this but still.. its
a wish! And if any kind soul is gonna buy this..
ORANGE or PURPLE please!
I really need one of these!

list still growing~..
- Days of Yore - - Her Decree - - Her Quondam Skins -
- Royal Entertainment -
.ntu official site.
.perfect 10.
.SG sell/trade.

- Royal-links -

an old blog of mine.. very un-updated..