blogskin dated: 24.apr.06

only one thing i gotta say.. ITS THE BEST!!
the sound system, power...
the ventilation, superb.. which means: it aint smoky in thr at all!!
and the DJs there rocked the night!
oh boy~ and it has 4 rooms..
actually.. only 4 rooms we can explore..
each with a different music genre..
you want house/dance music, u got it..
r&b and hiphop freak, available too..
disco~ complete with a disco floor..
and one can just drool looking at the deco..
here, check this out~!!

right outside MOS already!!
cant wait to get in.....
but look at the queue~ omg..

its the main arena...
oh look! there's a miniature waterfall~
pweety~ =)=)

its the room 54...
comes complete with disco lights..
and not to forget, disco balls~!

the PURE room..
im so in love with the ambience..
thou the music aint my cuppa tea..
but its a great place to sit back, relax..
and gossip with your girlies..

its already 22.13 when we're there..
and we met at ard 20.30......

sooooooooo.. my dear avril..
when are we gonna start partying...?

being dazzled in 54..

enjoying the ambience with ms goth..

ahhh!! so bright~

d*lights above the main lobby..
in a lovely shade of purple..

we live for graffiti...
we're gonna draw our way out..

she's trying to reach for the star..

but sorry, ms goth..
only a real star gets to touch it..

and lookie lookie.. its the....
LADIES!! my my..
so bright and pinky~

toilet の cubicle

the best place for all photo shoots..
complete with the brightest lights..
and mirrors in abundance..
i had a cowabunga time last night..
MOS totally rocks..
cant wait to hit the club again..
too bad avril and baoyan left early..
anyhow.. huiwen, peiting, siongyin and me..
partied till MOS closed... but not without an encore from the DJ in the smoove room..
after which, we headed to 7-11...
bought food.. and slacked ard clarke quay..
but not without me and peiting sneaking a peek at gotham penthouse..
decor is not bad... nice ambience..
but the DJ has to go.. music-spoiler..
chatted a little, slacked a bit..
thank god rested my tired feet..
(( ooh.. it rhymed!! haha.. =P ))

yeah.. while hw and sy were gone..
peiting told me something...
some kinda unspoken rule thingy..
that if a girl is wearing skirts, esp minis..
she's available and there to be picked up..
but if she's in jeans or pants-like bottoms..
she aint interested......
argh.... i hate wandering hands...
those lechers... disgusting!!
but i guess its part and parcel if a girl is gonna hit the clubs..
but ahhh!!! oh my god!! haa...

anyway.. yr 2 sem 2 is starting next wk...
which means.. no time for partying already..
gotta concentrate on my studies..
and lead a healthier alternative to what i have been doing for this holidays..
but well.. that aside...
nye countdown at sentosa anyone?
check out the details

gotta hit the sack..

* good thoughts... *
* good words... *
*good deeds... ... *

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 12/29/2005 02:52:00 PM

walk down memory lane

the last 2 hours of my christmas day..
was spent @ a funeral and a ride home..
a ride home aboard the bus 960...
the bus i always took hm when i was in JC..
the funeral was at choa chu kang..
which was whr my JC was located..

talked to mummy on the ride home..
found out some things..
learnt a few other things..
im glad i accompanied her to the funeral..

the funeral aside.. it was the memories..
memories that i had back in my JC yrs..
walking to sch with someone..
breakfast at the coffeeshop before remedials..
talking abt all sorts of rubbish..
him cycling off, leaving me to take da bus myself..
studying together..
playing monopoly and me always losing..
playing some lame pucca game on his comp..

sometimes playing it with him..
sending me home on 960..
eating at bukit panjang plaza..

and the jigsaw puzzle he completed..
done just for me..
while he was holidaying in taiwan..
and the bears in the basket..
ornaments he bought for me..
i was soo touched..
his occasional sms to me..
telling me whr he is..
what is he looking at..

he was so sweet.. that bloke..
was asked to re-think my decision..
i did but i dint know how to tell him..

guess i was kinda silly..
stupid in fact...
but its all in the past..

the memories will still be there..
so will the guilt and regrets i hold..

but well.. in less than a wk..
it'll be 2oo6 already...
a brand new year..
a brand new start..
im gonna pick myself up..
and start life anew and fresh..


to y'all reading my blog..
just in case i dont update..
but i guess that wont happen..
haha.. ciao~

* 斷了的弦 再怎麼接 音都不對.. *
* 妳的改變 我能夠分辨.. .. *

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 12/26/2005 01:57:00 PM

broke but happy

yes... im officially BROKE!!
i have no more buckeroos already..
haha... and DONT ASSUME I SPENT THEM ALL ON CLUBBING, like some ignorant woman..

just got back from dinner with sec sch frens..
shouldnt have gone actually..
haiz.. but wat to do.... nvm..
had ma la hotpot @ xian de lai..
food was so-so la.. but damn spicy..
wasnt a really big gathering..
just 5 of us: avril, baoyan, edwin & herman..
quite sad cuz it wasnt the full strength..

met them at bugis there.. ard 5pm..
and i had a really REALLY pleasant surprise while just bumming around..
someone SMSed an xmas greeting..
and i wasnt expecting it from him..
peiting should know who it is.. haha..
oh my~ that was such a sweet thing..
and i dont really know him dat well..
but hehe.. hahaha.. hohohoho..

should be meeting my dear serena tmr..
mebbe ask siokhui out as well..
cuz im going to sengkang.. =)=)
shall pass them their xmas pressies..
oh yar.. gotta go msh pass jason things too..
then huishi's frens are coming over tmr..
mebbe i shud b home to bug her..
dunno la.. shall go watch tv..
and stare at the hp..
im gonna msg him later.. *winks..*

* i think i've found my place among the stars.. *
* and its gonna be wonderful.... *

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 12/24/2005 08:18:00 PM

merry xmas!

merry xmas everyone!! =)=)
its finally xmas eve isnt it? haa..
in just a mere 8.75 hrs, its xmas alrd..
tot i wont be spending it as a single this yr..
but it turns out to be it... )=)=
went thru lotsa ups and downs this year..
esp towards the end of it...
wasnt expecting such a rollercoaster ride..
but i guess its just thr to make me stronger..
was out with the pple till 6 again.. haha..
but it was good.. i enjoyed the night..

was supposed to go MOMO before 11..
but we all kinda met at 9plus in town..
so we decided to go MS to look-see..
finally decided on dbl o...
ended up going back to town again..
one left... and there were four...
decided to catch a late-night movie..
and walked all the way to cine...
got tix to "a chinese tall story" at 2.10am..
and slacked at the arcade for an hr plus..
i dint noe soulcalibur is sooo fun la...
haha.. got me a little addicted to it..
whacked that machine till skin tore..
oops... too rough alrd.. haha...
i think i was too into winning.. haha..

me and peiting were like contemplating to walk to MOMO after the movie ended..
cuz its free entry for girls after 3.30am..
but it aint such a wise decision i guess..
for by the time we get there....
it'll be like.. listen to the music for 5mins..
and "oh yeah~ go home alrd!!" that kind..
walked back to chinablack (again.. yes i know..)
its gonna close soon alrd..
but yet still wont let the pple in free..
haha.. ended up slacking outside far east..

well.. talked quite a bit out thr..
discussed abt quite alot of stuff..
but overall, it was a good night..
a healthier alternative to what we usually do when we have a night out, ya?
mebbe next time, we can just hang out in the arcade and play some games..
but well... sch is starting soon!
and im hating for my hols to end..
alrighty.. just an article to end this post..
im gonna go meet my girls alrd..

Make Your Season Sizzle!
Five ways to add a little romance to your holiday.

This time of year is meant to be spent with those you love. But if you're like most of us, between shopping and visiting and decorating (and basically running around like a crazed Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanzaa maniac), romance may seem like the last thing on your mind - or at least on your schedule. Luckily, just like most times, it's the little things that count. Take these tips for tiny ways to increase your romance factor - you may find they have big results!

1. Be your baby’s not so secret Santa.
Rather than focusing on mega-gifts that say you spent a fortune, add some holiday cheer to your man's life with little goodies when he's not expecting them. While you're out shopping pick up inexpensive things like movie tickets, candy or a CD and leave them in unexpected places like a briefcase, the car, or on his pillow. If you're daring, make them sexy gifts like massage oil or lingerie. Either way, if your appreciation is sweet or sexy (or ideally, a little bit of both), you can bet he'll be into making time to say thank you – in more ways than one!

2. Remember that you're a team.
The holidays tend to cause stress in relationships - tension over whose house to go to, what to get for whom, what you can and can't say in front of the relatives. One of the best ways to survive is to remember that you've got to be each other's team. One dating expert recommends sitting down with your sweetie (it may even be at night in bed before you go to sleep - this way it's not really a 'sit down' or a chore), and doing faux-holiday cards. You can each come up with a creative way to express you'd really like to say to everyone who's putting on the pressure or halting your holiday happiness. Make it light and keep your sense of humor and you may find you wind up feeling a little tighter and more mutual in the decisions you do make. Of course these cards don't need to make it to the mailbox – that would just put up a united front!

3. Relax together...
There's a lot to be said for a hot bubble bath on a cold night. After working and shopping and everything else that the season entails (even your holiday parties can take a toll - your body's probably not used to days upon days of drinks and good cheer), you both probably need to wind down. And you're both also probably going to shower... so instead, draw a bath for two (extra bonus points if you've got a Jacuzzi of course - or access to one) and if you're into extra bubbles, sip champagne (or sparkling cider) while you soak.

4. Find the spirit in your own home.
While decorating is often done for the kids (if you have them) or the company you're going to have, a few touches will bring the other spirit of the season - the sexier one - into your abode. For starters, hang mistletoe in a spot you have to pass frequently - and don't go by without a kiss. When you're home alone, throw in a holiday CD with of the sassier sort (Santa Baby, or any of the Motown holiday renditions come to mind). Leave your sweetie's favorite treats (home made or store bought) in a secret spot. And if you've got Christmas lights, enjoy them together... Turn off all the other lights in the house just before bed and find inspiration in their romantic glow.

5. Recognize how lucky you both are...
While it may seem out of the question with all you've got to do, volunteering together at a local soup kitchen or homeless shelter not only gives you a wonderful chance to spread the true holiday spirit and make people who really need some cheer feel good, the experience will bond you as a pair. Not even the orneriest aunt can argue with your decision to forego some or all of another event to help the less fortunate, and you'll get to spend quality time together where you'll realize how fortunate you really are.

* this the season to be jolly... *
* lalalalala lala lala... *

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 12/24/2005 03:13:00 PM


Hottie Undertaking Intense, Yummy, Arousing Necking

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 12/24/2005 06:31:00 AM


By: Brown Eyes

처음이라 그래 며칠뒤엔 괜찮아져
그생각 만으로 벌써 일년이
너와 만든 기념일마다 슬픔은 나를 찾아와

처음 사랑 고백하며 설렌 수줍음과
우리 처음 만난날 지나가고
너의 생일엔 눈물의 케익 촛불 켜고서 축하해

I believe in you I believe in your mind
벌써 일년이 지났지만
일년뒤에도 그일년뒤에도 널 기다려

너를 보고싶어 돌아와줘 말 못했어
널 보는 따뜻한 그의 눈빛과
니 윈손에 껴진 반지보다 빛난 니 얼굴 때문에

I believe in you I believe in your mind
다시 시작한 널 알면서
이젠 나없이 추억을 만드는 너라는걸

내가 기억하는 추억은 언제나 지난 웃음과 얘기와 바램들
또 새로 만들 추억은 하나뿐
내 기다림과 눈물속 너일뿐

I believe in you I believe in your mind
다시 시작한 널 알면서
이젠 나없이 추억을 만드는 너라는걸

I believe in you I believe in your mind
벌써 일년이 지났지만
일년뒤에도 그일년뒤에도 널 기다려

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 12/23/2005 01:49:00 AM

对不起, 谢谢

对不起, 谢谢
by: Eason Chan

纯白无瑕 温柔芬芳
你洗的衣服 有你的模样
满身是汗 脱了又穿
你常笑我脏 男人难免啊
那种稀松平常的对白 已不再

我爱你 好爱你
对不起, 谢谢
我恨你 好恨你
对不起, 谢谢

我们的小孩 会像谁模样
常常在想 几年之外
长睫毛女孩 单眼皮男孩
曾经近在咫尺的未来 已天涯

我爱你 好爱你
对不起, 谢谢
我恨你 好恨你
对不起, 谢谢
Yeah Yeah Yeah~ Yeah !!

我爱你 好爱你
对不起, 谢谢
我恨你 好恨你
对不起, 谢谢

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 12/22/2005 06:04:00 PM

mambo jambo

just got woken up by 2 inconsiderate pple..
mom and the ever-irritating bro..
damnit.. i bloody got hm at 6 plus la..
and mom saw me get in thru the doors lor..
yet still... they had to bloody wake me up..
over what? maple story! damnit la..
and i hate it when my bro plays maple..
he is damn annoying..
leaves little for discussion why he got defamed..
and its not once, not twice..
i just cant remember how many times!!

anyway.. back to happier things..
i was really happy yesterday!! =D
when i met teddy and peiting and avril..
i was kinda hyper.. haha..
n teddy was wondering why im so happy..
lol.. i dunno la.. just hyped ystd..
met the peeps at 9 plus...
and i was late even thou we met @ orchard..
haha.. shall not mention that anymore~

well... we went to zouk ystd!! yay~
met up with justin and his two other frens..
first time i headed in after its renovation..
its really nice! toilet's really worth the visit..
took pics but always kenna caught..
its was MAMBO night~
there's this bunch of caucasians..
and among them, this really AA loudhailer..
he was already broadcasting when he aint even in the club yet.. crazy noisy fellow..
and another one wearing BLACK shades..
omg.. like its "so bright!" in zouk?!
and there were quite alot of girls last night that got wasted as well...
they're like toppling everywhr..
but yet their stupid frens cant just bring them to one side and take care of them and had to let the other clubbers suffer under their hands..
and it was bloody packed ystd!
but we could see alot of pple having fun..

oh yar.. we met mr. wandering-hands too..
lols.. actually only pt and avril la..
i cant recall whether it happened to me..
this guy was justin's friend's friend..
heard something abt him popping pills..
dunno la.. but apparently, his hands was deprived of the ability to keep them to himself..
i witnessed it...
his hand stretched out to stroke pt's arm..
and avril was another victim too..

looking on the bright side..
avril intro-ed us to a really nice drink!
its alcohol but doesnt taste it..
something 7-up la..
shall ask her again later..
and drill her for the photos..
im gonna go drink that again!
its sooooo super-duper nice~

anyway, we left zouk at ard 2pm..
avril took a cab hm..
and dint bother msging me to tell me she got hm safe and sound..
i even msg when i was in chinablack..
but she nvr reply.. haa..

and yes, me and pt walked to chinablack..
haha.. went thr for the freeflow..
besides, pt has to wait for the first transport available and black closes at 5am..
so we went to slack @ chinablack..
till ard 4plus..
i was kinda tired from dancing @ zouk..
was practically just sitting the whole time i was at chinablack cept for the occasional toilet breaks..
alot of 'mat's thr last night..
but there were hot babes as well..
too bad mr.scott aint thr.. haha..
music was kinda bollywood-ish..
aint it supposed to be r&b...?
actually shud haf walked over to phuture..
check out the party over thr first..
but well.. nvm..
there's always a next time.. =)

went to swensen's for fries after black..
and its the FIRST time i remove make-up sitting in a restaurant la!
all thanks to mdm gu.. lol..
provided me with a 'cotton-soaked-in-eye-makeup-remover'.. haha..
and it feels damn refreshing..

took the train hm after that..
had fun! oh my~ imma happy girl..
next wed gonna head to MOS!!
dun wanna waste the last wk of my hols..
im gonna PAAARTY it away~
cuz when sch starts..
dun think im able to club alrd..
oh well.. we're gonna set aside days for party & exercise ( i desparately need it.. ).. for now..
shall discuss with them soon..

i shall go slp somemore..
im tired.. feet hurts.. joints ache..
but im so damn happy..


* tall, cute, groovy & chest-hairy.. *

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 12/22/2005 12:54:00 PM


have been trying to get to sleep for the past hr..
but all i could do is just toss and turn..
could it be the coffee i had before i slept...?
cant be.. i never had problems with coffee..
i'd still be able to go to sleep..
even if i took 3 cans of nescafe mocha...
but now.. its just one huge glass..
similar to 3 cans of mocha.....
and yet, i cant get to sleep....?!
this is bad.... very bad...
i desperately need sleep...
but im feeling kinda sick also...
have this urge to puke at times..
and im feeling weak...
damnit.. i think i'm falling sick...

argh.. shall go toss and turn somemore..
hopefully i'll get at least 6hrs of slp..

* its better to lose your pride.. *
* with someone you love.. *
* rather than lose that someone you love.. *
* with your useless pride.. *

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 12/21/2005 04:21:00 AM

is it so

he took advantage of your love..
and he threw it all away..
he broke your tender heart..
words can't express what you wanna say..
but deep inside you know..
that there's someone out there for you..
who'll love you tenderly..
and turn your dark skies into blue..

i know it's hard to start again..
to find somebody new..
but don't you be afraid..
rough times don't last but true lovers do..
as the night follows the day..
some you win and some you lose..
but don't give up on LOVE..
sometimes you clear the old to get the new..

* true love hears what aint spoken.. *
* and understands what aint explained.. *
* for true love doesnt work in the mouth.. *
* nor the mind.. *
* but in the heart.... *

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 12/21/2005 03:17:00 AM

chinatown shopping

went chinatown with mummy just now..
bought some daily necessities..
its been quite awhile since i last step foot thr..
it doesnt look the same as before..
but well... things change with time..
isnt that always the case?
nothing will remain the same...
no matter how hard you try to hold on to it..
all these can only remain as memories..

looking at the pic of me in a yukata..
how happy i was back then...
remembered that i was to attend a ceremony..
jcs grad ceremony @ merchant hotel, i think..
had lunch thr before the ceremony started..
and the staff thr tot i was japanese..
oh my.. wat a joke man..
im not as fair as a japanese..
but thr are japs who look dark too..
now im beginning to wonder if im chinese..
cuz the other day, someone tot im korean..
lol.. said i look like some korean on tv..
i think i better go polish my jap n korean..
then i can go undercover as either one..
muahahaha... just a silly tot on my part..

well.. im looking forward to the brand new yr..
also to the gatherings awaiting my presence..
i cant wait to meet up with my frens..
just wanna sit and catch up on whatever is going on in each and every one's lives right now..
and its just a mere 5 days to xmas!!
oh boy oh boy!!
and i have yet to finish my gift list!!
gotta go think abt it now..
and there's garfield on tv now..
shall go think and watch at the same time..
mebbe dat fat ole cat will gimme some 'good' ideas.... muahahaha...

aite.. looking forward to seeing u guys..
and there's mambo night tmr..
cant wait...
ktv-ing with channel hub/msh on 23rd..
holy cow~ i better go do some planning now..

* if your heart is not in it.. for real.. *
* pls dont try to fake what you dont feel... *

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 12/20/2005 04:24:00 PM

caught by surprise

it amazes me all the time...
when one doesnt say a word..
yet those ard, knows what one is thinking..
it never fails to catch me by surprise..
does it really work this way...?
is everything said best....
when nothing is said at all.....?
are emotions that easily portrayed...?

for me.. i guess it is....
but i cant change it...
it'll take a hell of a time..
for me to even adapt to it..

* clouds gather on the horizon... *
* but how can i keep my sadness calm....? *

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 12/19/2005 11:54:00 AM

advance xmas celebration

juz got hm from a gathering @ my aunt's place..
some sort of a xmas celebration..
mom baked a turkey... for the first time..
not bad i must say..
but i dint try the stuffing... lols..
and there was crab and pasta and chix wings..
wow~ wat a feast man!! haha..
feel so fattened up now..
and all those alcohol downed during the wk..
beer belly's nowhere to shrinking down..

anyway.. sis n me were kinda unlucky..
for this weekend, that is..
we were out wif mom this afternoon..
and sis was happily talking abt this victoria secret's top that she wanna get..
and suddenly, *poop* bird shit!!
and it landed on her face too..
it was disgusting~ the ultimate!!
two uncles were sitting thr chatting away..
but never kenna the whole while..
she just walk past, zhong tou jiang sia!
and i was quite evil.. kept rubbing it in..
in the end she went back hm to bathe..
and she had just showered before leaving hm..
for me, my experience aint that bad..
happened yesterday.. in mom's room..
i was slping.. while waiting for my frens..
then suddenly i felt something on my leg..
and omg! its a bloody cockroach!!
and it bloody flies la.. damn disgusting!
thank god daddy was home man..
then he crushed that bloody flying roach!
YAY!! 3 cheers for daddy!! HIP HIP HURRAY!~
but the bloody roach touched almost each and every part of mommy's bed sia..
and also on the floor..
made me wear mommy's slippers and walk ard my hm after that...
and my blisters were healing la..
haa... but nvm la..
the party after that.. made up for it.. =)

i wanna go dbl o next wed...
anyone on for it? msg me k?
im so into the mood for partying..
its xmas next week already..
time to make plans.. and last min shopping..
shall go watch LOTR... buaiz~

* im wishing for a white xmas... *

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 12/18/2005 10:40:00 PM

snag party

enjoyed myself thoroughly!!
thats all i hafta say...
the party started off a little slow..
but after a few glasses of vodka...
the groove came on... haha..
music's great.. more of hip-hop songs..
rather than r&b.. and it boasts to be the biggest ever r&b party every held.. bullshit...
but all is good.. i enjoy hip-hop too..

some guy tot i was at dbl o tonight..
haha.. then msg me to ask... lols..
but sadly, im raving @ one fullerton..

ron gave me a ride home from thr..
cuz he and this other guy wants to go hm alrd..
but the others are planning to take da first bus..
so yeah~ free ride hm..
more time to spend with my darling bed..
and pillow, bolster and blankie~..

lets have more of this pls~!!
anyone who plans to head out to club..
gimme a call aight?
i wanna party all night long..~ =P

* i dont wanna run away but i cant take it.. *
* i dont understand.. *
* if im not made for you.. *
* then why does my heart tell me dat I am...... *

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 12/18/2005 05:09:00 AM

handwriting test

The results of your analysis say:
You plan ahead, and are interested in beauty, design, outward appearance, and symmetry.

You are a person who thinks before acting, intelligent and thorough.
You are affectionate, passionate, expressive, and future-oriented.
You are a talkative person, maybe even a busybody!
You enjoy life in your own way and do not depend on the opinions of others.

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 12/17/2005 05:09:00 PM


came back from the house party at ard 5 today..
almost got into trouble... lols..
those bloody irritating neighbours...
to hell with them! haa...
just hope the host would not get into trouble...
one was taking pics of the car plates..
damnit.. infringement of privacy!!
and i started singing,
"move! b!tch! get out the way..
get out the way b!tch, get out the way.."
haha...but she truely is a b!tch...

after that.. headed down to holland v..
the guys were having supper..
and lisoon was showing us pics he took..
haha.. gotta get the pics from him..
then i'll upload it.. lols..
it was an exhilarating night man!!

i gotta head out soon...
pri sch class gathering back in sch...
and im seriously deprived of slp..
im getting pimple breakout man..
but luckily, it aint serious..
a few minor pop-outs on the forehead..
easily removed and covered.. haha..

aight.. gotta go meet the pple..
dont even know what to expect thr..
going to the r&b party @ 1fullerton tonite..
hope today turns out good.. =P

* cuz i love you, whether it's wrong or right.. *
* though i can't be with you tonite.. *
* know my heart is by ur side.... *

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 12/17/2005 11:32:00 AM

wat to get that special someone

A Girl's Guide to Guy Gift Giving
How to say something other than "I spent myself silly!"

Ah, the holidays... a magical time of year where we enjoy the company of those who are close to us in celebration of whatever we choose to celebrate. But there's a reason why the season can be stressful - and it's not just that we have too many time commitments or that we're arguing about whose relatives to visit.

Gift giving, while one of the joys of the season, is also the cause of serious stress for many a shopper. And when it comes to giving guys gifts, if you're a girl, things can be extra tough... after all, what you give says a lot about what you think about him - and your relationship! You wouldn't want to give the wrong impression!

Take these tips for giving the right signals when gifting your guy:

If you've got a crush, but nothing concrete has happened:
A gift can be a great way to greenlight a guy you've been wanting to ask you out. But be careful if you're operating in this territory, since you don't want to come off as too forward (or obsessed). The right note, according to experts is mysterious and sexy, without being brazen.

The goal is to surprise him into thinking about you in a different way - without being presumptuous or spending a lot of money. Consider a small bottle of fine scotch or a good cigar if those are his sorts of things. If he's into wine, buy him an inexpensive but tasty bottle - better still, your personal favorite. Indicate that you see him as masculine, but don't go overboard with anything that directly suggests sex. You want to bait the hook not move on to the next course; after all, you still have to have a first date!

If you've just started dating but you're not yet exclusive:
Without the conversation that determines your status as a couple, gift giving is treacherous territory. You don't want to give the impression you've made any decisions about the relationship's future for the positive or negative. Give something completely impersonal and he thinks you don't care. Overdo it and you send the sign that you're counting the days until your wedding. In this case, the experts advise that you keep things light and friendly, but use the limited time you've spent together as your inspiration.

A DVD you think he'd like based on a conversation you've had is a great place to start. This is also a great stage to bake some cookies or make him a box of sweet treats (home made or bought). You want him to know that you like him, but also that you're not picking out your children's names just yet.

If he's officially your guy, but you don't live together:
The one and only guy in your life deserves a little something special and you most likely want to make him feel good or you wouldn't be committed to him. The key here is to make it about him, not about you. So rather than pony up for that romantic getaway, consider what you know about your guy. Is there a secret side he doesn't show most people? Or a hobby he's passionate about? One expert suggests getting a guy who has an interest in planes a flying lesson, or giving a music buff tickets to his favorite artist (with the specification that his guest doesn't have to be you, unless of course this is your passion too, in which case be sure this is, in fact, for him).

Whatever your guy's thing is, show him that you've noticed - and you're supportive (never dismissive). Practical gifts aren't meant for this stage; you want to encourage his dreams and seal your place in his heart as a part of them.

If you're married and/or live together:
Oh, the temptation to be practical... and it's a perfectly valid choice to go the useful route if you know it's something he's absolutely dying for like the latest gadget or power tool (especially if it's something he'd hesitate to buy because he's considering your mutual wallet). But when you've already settled down and it's pretty clear you're in it for the long haul - so clear you cohabitate and may have even tied the knot - you can surprise your guy, and make him feel like the single stud he once was by being a little more inventive, or at least adding a little special something to the mix. Experts advise that now is the time sexy gifts count more than ever - both because they add spice (and depth) to the connection you share as partners but also because they remind you of what attracted you to each other in the first place and encourage you to revisit it.

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 12/16/2005 04:32:00 PM

maestro bistro

met pt, hw, sy and ted at ard 10 just now..
was supposed to catch a movie...
but i think they wanna catch the last bus home..
so walked ard orchard la...

wanted to slack at coffee bean @ scotts..
but it was closed by the time we walked thr..
then walked down to cineleisure..
tcc was closing soon.. haa...
so ended up in maestro bistro...
and 5 of us.. only ordered potato wedges..
haha.. service thr wasnt good at all..
well.. we went our own ways after that..

looking forward to tmr..
going to a house party @ holland v thr..
on the hse for girls and 5 bucks for guys..
soooo... anyone else interested??
gimme a call aight?
but i think we're gonna head to MOS opening..
if the party thr sucks la.. haa..
so i hope it'll be good.. yay~

gonna maple now.. toodles~

* im a rebel without a cause... *
* im focused but at a loss... *

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 12/16/2005 12:25:00 AM

no zouk

yep.. u got that right.. dint go zouk ystd..
instead we headed for chinablack..
it was more for the freeflow of drinks..
and prolly the queue problems..

met peiting at 8plus..
then we kinda decided to grab a bite..
bought some sushi.. pt bought subway too..
then was actually contemplating whether to head down to zouk so early at 8plus..
cuz we're kinda afraid of having to queue for too long and still end up outside..
our first idea was to grab a free drink at chinablack first before heading over to zouk..
and also cuz we had 2 unconfirmed pple who cant decide whether to meet us or not..
and in the end, did not meet us..
we kinda expected it.. haha..
so well.. the both of us just stayed at chinablack for the rest of the night..
despite being just the two of us..
it was absolutely great..
chitchat alot.. i enjoyed the company..

i was almost gone ystd also..
downed 3 glasses of vodka lime..
1 vodka ribena & almost a glass of screwdriver..
i was ok until we headed to the toilet..
haiz... bad move..
cuz we became cleaner ladies and maid..
there's this girl who KOed in the toilet..
and just lying on the floor..
with her vomit and she was having her period..
so she's basically like half-naked..
when we finally got the door opened..
think we prolly spent 2hours or so...
just trying to get her to pull up her pants..
the security was making a big fuss la..
haa.. i still feel quite disgusted with myself..
touched her vomit.. oh yucks!!
peiting was worse.. her hair is like soooo long..
so it touched the bloody dirty & wet floor..
her skirt kenna also.. omg..
its soooo bloody erxin now just to think of it..
im just gonna haunt her for life for this incident!
evil me eh? hahaha... *evil cackle..*

finally got home at ard 4.30am today..
walked back again.. but thank god..
there's company today... =)
after we both bathed, headed down to mac..
had mac breakfast.. then sent pt to the mrt..
think was ard 6 when i got to bed..
and now i'm up!! at 12.09pm!!
omg.. i muz be crazy....
shall go replenish my slp later..
this will not do!!

hmm.. waiting for peiting's itinery for tonight..
decided to go healthy for today..
cuz fri and sat aint gonna be healthy..
so today is detox-day! yay~
mebbe going for a movie or pool..
no idea yet.. just gotta wait for the sms..

got a pri sch gathering this sat sia..
havent called serena yet..
and i totally forgot abt it till now!
omg.. the organiser's gonna kill me..
better send her the sms and wait..
and there's supposed to be a tkd bbq too..
die... why all on the same day sia?

aight.. gonna go watch some tv..
then go back to slp again..
haha.. this is good life..
slp while others are slogging away..
and then go party the night away..
and when ur going to slp again..
its the time when others hafta slog again..
haha.. oh my~
if only i can live it that way.. lol..

* even if you give up on it a thousand times.. *
* it will still return to your side.. *
* that's true love for you... *

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 12/15/2005 11:50:00 AM

looking forward

went grocery shopping just now again..
feels like im turning into a housewife..
even did household chores, ie: sweep..

feeling sooo tired now..
din replenish enuf of my beauty slp juz now..
gotta wake up early today..
catch 'amazing race' live at 10am...
then gotta go down to novena..
have lunch with my poor lil sis...

gonna meet pt again later today..
chiong-ing zouk tonight.. yay~
and then dbl o tmr!
but the peeps have yet to reply me..
i need to confirm the pple going la..
haiz.. nvm....
shall see abt it tmr...

goodnight pple.. =)

* i aint afraid of being by myself... *
* im just afraid that you'll feel lonely... *

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 12/14/2005 12:30:00 AM

* wolf - whistle *

just woke up from my beauty rest..
only got home at ard 8.15am this morning..
was really shagged from not sleeping the night..
plus having to walk down ecp a few times.. whew..

well.. arrived at huiwen's chalet at ard 6 plus 7..
lisoon drove me and peiting thr..
bad thing : i had to go down to bukit batok..
so well.. nvm.. i travelled down...
and went to the chalet in lisoon's car..
blasting music all the way on the journey..

sooo.. we got thr..
we ate.. we drank.. we sat down and talked..
meng arrived and followed by isabelle..
but she was soooo damn 'early' la..
around 1 plus in the morning..
thankfully, she had her masked rider..
who was willing to drive her to ecp..
and then to her friend's place..
cuz isabelle had work today..
and she desperately needs sleep..

had a really great chat with the girls..
shared our experiences and talked abt things..
wonder why dint we talk that much back in jc..
peiting is wondering that too..
prolly cuz we dint haf all the same subjects..
but well.. it was really enjoyable..

left at ard 4am in lisoon's car..
after we lost huiwen n siongyin..
who went night fishing with her bro n fren..
for we decided to head for 'civilization'..
and lisoon's driving was horrible la!!
all those sudden brakes.. and the humps..
but fun.. cuz meng and pt 'suffered' with me..
lols.. and again, blasting music in his car..
godly.. and then speeding down the road..
and the sound of the wind against the car..
omg... it was awesome..

had no idea whr to go..
so lisoon suggested going to the carpark..
where lovers go for their rendezvous..
only saw 1 car thr.. but meng claimed there's a couple in it.. haha..

after that, headed down to the 24hr mac..
its been so long since i had mac's breakfast..
and the air-conditioning is super good..
i was practically freezing in thr...
then headed upstairs to the arcade/pool..
and plopped down at the sofa...
watched soccer live on espn..

tottenham hotspurs vs portsmouth..
final score was 3:1...

but the tv sucks la.. horrible images..
and after that, lisoon kinda fell asleep..
meng, peiting n i started talking cock again..
till lisoon awoke and drove back to bukit batok..
whr i took 61 all the way home..
peiting was kinda worried that i might overslp..
and kept msging to check on me..
thanks girl! appreciate it lots~

well.. peiting has got the itinery planned..
wed: zouk's ladies' night..
thurs: dbl o --> free entry for girls..
fri: that free party @ holland v..
sat: some club @ 1 fullerton..
wahahaha... club the week away~
but think lisoon might be going black on thurs..
dunno la.. we'll see how things go..

* Life can give you 100 reasons to cry.. *
* but you can give Life 1000 reasons to smile.. *

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 12/13/2005 02:42:00 PM

wah lao

supposed to meet peiting at 5 @ bedok..
then now everything is being pushed back..
cuz of mr tay lisoon!! kaoz.....
( ah tay.. i know u read my blog!! )
and he's uncontactable!! till now, that is..
peiting tried to call him...
but guess wad.. he's charging his phone...
and say cannot spoil his new phone...
muz completely deplete da batt liao..
then can start charging!! wth la!!
alamak... both me n pt kanchiong-ing away..
yet he's at home.. eating ice-cream!
sia la..... he better fetch me also~

binge drinking tonight i think...
the guys are gonna get sooo high..
but i think i aint gonna stay overnight..
we'll see how things go...

* Life gives answers in 3 ways... *
* it says YES and gives you what you want.. *
* it says NO and gives you something better.. *
* it says Wait and gives you the best.. *

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 12/12/2005 04:43:00 PM

enjoy the coffee, not the cup

A group of alumni, highly established in their careers, got together to visit their old university lecturer. Conversation soon turned into complaints about stress in work and life. Offering his guests coffee, the lecturer went to the kitchen and returned with a large pot of coffee and an assortment of cups: porcelain, plastic, glass, some plain-looking, some expensive and exquisite, telling them to help themselves to hot coffee.

When all the students had a cup of coffee in hand, the lecturer said: "If you noticed, all the nice-looking, expensive cups were taken up, leaving behind the plain and cheap ones. While it is but normal for you to want only the best for yourselves, that is the source of your problems and stress. What all of you really wanted was coffee, not the cup, but you consciously went for the better cups and are eyeing each other's cups.

"Now, if Life is coffee, then the jobs, money and position in society are the cups. They are just tools to hold and contain Life, but the quality of Life doesn't change. Sometimes, by concentrating only on the cup, we fail to enjoy the coffee in it."

* start another smile.. *
* with a simple smile of your own.. *

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 12/12/2005 12:33:00 AM

thats life

life is but a play..
there is a prologue..
and there is an epilogue..
there are those who take up the main role..
and those who play a minor part in it..
some perform from the beginning to the end..
and some just leave halfway thru the show..
even without audiences on the floor..
none of us should leave it without an ending..
if not, we should never have started it off..

* im beginning to learn... *
* please be patient with me.. *

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 12/11/2005 10:47:00 PM


hooo~ just came back from pop@central..
had high tea at the pop cafe.. lols..

single scoop ice cream w/waffle..
going at $3.90.. buy 1 get 1 free..
wouldnt really recommend it..
cuz the usual price is $7.80 for 1...
aint exactly the best kind of waffle..
and according to huishi, "it barely passed.."
i personally recommend gelare's waffle..
tues is waffle day.. waffles going at 1/2 price..
really worth the money thr..

had lunch out with mom and sis..
after sending bro to art lesson..
something we havent done for quite some time..
had fishball noodles but dint finish it..
was kinda sick of it halfway thru my meal..
then went grocery shopping at cold storage..

haa.. how are we gonna celebrate xmas this yr?
i really haf no idea..
mom wanna learn hw to make turkey..
and then ask pple over to celebrate..
i want my xmas to be a bang this yr!
prolly see wad my jc frens are planning..

gotta get presents ready!
omg.. dun even haf a list up yet..
but i've some presents already done..
still need to prepare for some other pple..

well.. shall go watch some tv..
and wait for mahjong to start..

* when the going gets tough... *
* the tough gets going..... *

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 12/11/2005 04:25:00 PM


just finished 2 rounds of 3-legged mahjong..
and lost a total of......... 50 cents!! haha..
feeling quite tired right now..
but aint in the mood for sleeping yet..

well.. went to ahyi's place today..
played mahjong also..
and lost abt 50~60 bucks total..
according to mom, cuz she's da one paying..
i guess i was kinda shagged..
for i just fell asleep on the sofa..

aint having the mood for mahjong already..
even thou sis just asked to play again tmr..
just hoping for a more happening wk ahead..
should be quite alright..
cuz having a bbq on mon..
and we're gonna party on fri again..
oh my.. party animals galore!~

and today's zoukout! haa..
sad.. i no money..
and seems like no one wanna go..
oh well... its alright..
i gotta replenish my sleep also..
cant just party and party and party..
i'll just tire myself out at that rate..

lols... shall go slack around the house first..
dunno wad to do..
and there's nothing to watch on tv..

* life seems a little meaningless.. *
* even thou i try to do something to it.. *
* it just aint the same anymore.... *

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 12/10/2005 10:55:00 PM

im crazy

omg.. im crazy, friggin' crazy!!
look at wad time it is now!!
and look at wad time i last blogged!!
its barely 4 hours of solid slp...
and yet, i'm up already..

not yet feeling the total aftermath of clubbing..
but symptoms are kicking in~
from a long 'no-clubbing' scene..
my back and joints are aching.. feeling sooo sore..
i feel voice-less.. or rather, going to be..

think mom's up already..
shall just go prepare to go ahyi's place..
then prolly catch up on my beauty rest thr..

* in a world of me, myself and i... *

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 12/10/2005 08:44:00 AM


jus walked back ALL the way from orchard..
met siong, wen, ron, pt, ted, hj, soon & eric..
but eric left early to tend to his game..
was supposed to go wala wala tonight..
but too bad, full house!
so we changed our minds..
and went to town...

went to m-zone at first..
then teddy opened a bottle of white wine..
weird to be drinking wine there..
anyway, left after that bottle..
cuz the waitress was being a f***ed-up bitch..
walked up and down orchard a few times..
for we had no idea whr to go..
went to DXO at esplanade thr..
but cover charge was a bloody 20 bucks..
ended up in chinablack for the night...
and well, danced the night away..

my legs are so friggin' tired now..
jus gotta bathe.. and plop down on my bed..
im sooooo gone..
but not as bad as peiting.. haha...
most prob nt going ahyi's place later in the day..
gotta replenish my sleep!! haha..

and huiwen's having a bbq on mon...
should be going ba.. lols..
friday was good... monday is gonna be better!
ciao pple!

* i enjoyed myself totally.. *
* i wish for everyday to be the same.. *

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 12/10/2005 04:47:00 AM


wooo.. im up early today..
but my bro's even earlier..
he's mapling when i woke up a few mins ago..
hardcore addict liao la..
how is he going to concentrate on his studies?

the weather's damn bad somemore...
much as i like rain..
i like it better when im jus gonna chill at home with a trend mag in hand and a cuppa coffee..
but i'm going out!! *whines*
its raining so bloody heavily la..

oh well.. gonna meet hj @ jurong later..
heading down to the creative warehouse sale..
no idea what are we gonna do after that...
i dont even know wad do i wanna buy..
shall just go look see look see first la..
then later tonight, wala wala @ holland v..
with PJC pple.. that's good...
some i've not met for more that a yr..
hope tonight will be a great night..

aite.. shall go bathe liao...
if not, late.. then hj scold..
but well, he wont la..
know him for sooo long liao..
nvr scold me before..
instead is i scold him more..
hahaha.. he is mr. nice-guy..
and he should know that most of the time..
i run a teeny weeny bit late liao la..
lols.. cya pple later!!

* some things are just so obvious... *
* but why dont you tend to it first.... *
* instead of leaving it hanging in mid-air...? *
* just tell me... please... *

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 12/09/2005 08:50:00 AM

cheating spouse

Signs Of Cheating
~ by Dr Robert Huizenga

Some of these signs of a cheating spouse are "tongue in cheek" while others are tell-tale signs that commonly appear with a cheating husband or cheating wife.

Signs of a Cheating Spouse:
1) You find birth-control pills in her medicine cabinet, and you've had a vasectomy.
2) Mutual friends start acting strangely toward you. (They either know about the cheating or have been told stories about what a horrible wife or girlfriend you are.)
3) Your cheating husband or wife stops confiding in you and seeking advice from you.
4) Sets up a new e-mail account and doesn't tell you about it.
5) He leaves the house in the morning smelling like Irish Spring and returns in the evening smelling like Safeguard.
6) She joins the gym and begins a rigorous workout program.
7) She buys a cell phone and doesn't let you know.
8) He sets up a separate cell phone account that is billed to his office.
9) The cheating husband carries condoms, and you are on the pill.
10) Begins to delete all incoming phone calls from the caller ID.
11) Deletes all incoming e-mails when they used to accumulate.
12) He becomes "accusatory," asking if you are being true to him, usually out of guilt.
13) Raises hypothetical questions such as, "Do you think it's possible to love more than one person at a time?"
14) He buys himself new underwear.
15) He insists the child seat, toys, etc., are kept out of his car.
16) The cheating wife stops wearing her wedding ring.
17) Has a sudden desire to be helpful with the laundry.
18) Has unexplained scratches or bruises on his or her neck or back.
19) Suddenly wants to try new love techniques.
20) He/she fairly suddenly stops having sex with you.
21) He/she suddenly wants more sex, more often.
22) Supposedly works a lot of overtime, but it never shows up on the pay stub.
23) Picks fights in order to stomp out of the house.
24) You find out by accident he or she took vacation day or personal time off from work - but supposedly worked on those days.
25) Shows a sudden interest in a different type of music.
26) Spouse's co-workers are uncomfortable in your presence.
27) Has a sudden preoccupation with his or her appearance.
28) Spends an excessive amount of time on the computer, especially after you have gone to bed.
29) He throws up a lot because he just ate at his mistress's house and had to eat the dinner you prepared when he got home.
30) Your spouse is away from home, either nights or on trips, more than previously.
31) His/her clothes smell of an unfamiliar perfume or after-shave. You see lipstick on your husband's shirt.
32) The amount of money being deposited into your checking account drops off.
33) You find items of intimate apparel or other small gift-type items that you did not give your spouse.
34) Your spouse seems less comfortable around you and is "touchy" and easily moved to anger.
35) You get calls where the caller hangs up when he or she hears your voice.
36) He/she loses attention in the activities in the home.
37) Your intuition (gut feeling) tells you that something is not right.
38) He/she has a definite change in attitude towards everyone in the home.
39) She uses a low voice or whisper on the phone or hangs up quickly.
40) She has a "glow" about her.
41) Atypical erratic behavior.
42) He sneaks out of the house.
43) She sleeps with her purse by the bed.
44) She goes to the store for groceries and comes home 5 hours later.
45) He tells you that you can get hold of him at a different telephone number.
46) The tell-tale sign of a cheating spouse? Having to ask that question in the first place.

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 12/08/2005 05:51:00 PM

- About Moi -
Name: Ya(w)nz
Age: I'm getting the KEY in 2oo6!
Birthday: 19 July 85
School: Nanyang Technological University
Course: College of Engineering // Civil Engineering
E-Mail: wanna email me...?

add me @ friendster!

- Loves -
My girlfriends
My family
Mother Son Hubbers ((MSH))

- Loathes -

- Egg Babies -

- Wishlist -
#1 - Random Adidas Watches
yes, get me any of this and i'll love you!

#2 - Adidas jackets! Of any colour~
Adidas RAWKS!!

#3 - Anything with a CROWN TIARA CROWN!!
Eg: belts, necklaces, shirts, etc..
Make me feel like a real royalty!

#4 - Stuff toys!! Especially Squirt, Flounder or Nemo!!
I love plushies~ #5 - Zen Neeon.. Don't think anyone would give me this but still.. its
a wish! And if any kind soul is gonna buy this..
ORANGE or PURPLE please!
I really need one of these!

list still growing~..
- Days of Yore - - Her Decree - - Her Quondam Skins -
- Royal Entertainment -
.ntu official site.
.perfect 10.
.SG sell/trade.

- Royal-links -

an old blog of mine.. very un-updated..