blogskin dated: 24.apr.06
draw a house

Based on the drawing and the 10 answers, this is a summary of my personality:
You are sensitive and indecisive at times. You are a freedom lover and a strong person. You are shy and reserved. If you've drawn a cross on each of windows, you always want to live alone. You are very tidy person. There's nothing wrong with that because you're pretty popular among friends. Your life is always full of changes.

You will avoid being alone and seek the company of others whenever possible. You love excitement and create it wherever you go. You see the world as it is, not as you believe it should be.

You added a flower into your drawing. The flower signifies that you long for love. We also see that you are sensuous, sexual, and privately passionate. You don't think much about yourself.

you guys can check this out @ drawahouse..
pretty accurate i might say.. but not the part where i'll always wanna live alone..
i want my life to be filled with the people i love.. and my to-be-pets!

im now thinking abt lotsa stuff..
there's too much in this puny brain of mine that i feel like im gonna explode soon..

and its da release of the A lvls tmr..
hope da shortie does well enuf..

and i need to talk to pple!!
prolly with the girls after we're done with MOS tmr night i guess.. cant wait!
i desperately need to get things off my chest..
i dont think i can take it anymore..
in the meanwhile... i shall go indulge in my all time fave: chocolate ice-cream!!

* fly me to where you are.. *
* beyond the distant star.. *

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 2/28/2006 05:21:00 PM

not the same?

got an sms from a friend last night..
said im not my usual chirpy self..
prolly just the tiredness la..
and the dun-wanna-go-sch mood..

im bored already..
can i go camping soon?

* best way to love something.. *
* is to realise it could be lost someday.. *

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 2/27/2006 10:48:00 AM


okie.. back from the 2d1n camp..
wouldnt say its great..
cause i dint get to do anything cept be the belayer ONCE for i reached quite late on the first day.. but no rock climbing, no abseiling and no high rope elements! boo~
but the people there were great..
except for a bunch of butches & bitches..
whole day complain complain complain..
vulgarities spurting outta their mouths almost all the time.. haiz.. CMI man..

but overall, i enjoyed myself..
saw quite a few familiar faces..
and juniors from my JC..

and i hafta say... ASTRO rawks!
"with astro as a family..
we can smile at the storm.."
"F.I.T.! oie~
F.I.T.! oie~
F.I.T.! F.I.T.! sup sup oie!"

i cant wait to be on attachment!

* perfection may seem imperfect.. *
* but yet, it is perfectly itself.. *

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 2/26/2006 04:16:00 PM


back from mohd sultan..
i like this new place we went to.. kian termed it WHITE BEDS cuz we dunno da name.. nice place to just bum around and chill with a few friends and just talk about what happened and all.. and its really comes complete with a bed, pillows and bolsters! haha!

looks sth like PURE in MOS!!
the toilet looks nice too~ mwehehe..
would love to go thr again soon..
but the music abit.. aeeee... hw to say?
supposed to be jazz...
but it dint sound like jazz to me.. so yea..

and went into RUSH for the first time..
kian paid da cover for me.. wuahaha..
* thanks dude! =) *
and saw shuffling for the first time...
lols.. very fast movements..
prolly cuz u need to 'dance' or what they term, 'shuffle', to techno music..
but i kinda haf a headache..
i cant take techno! bleah...
ended up leaving with licheng at 0015 liddat..
walked to opp MOS..
then took a cab.. hitched a free ride..
* thanks licheng!! mwehehe.. *

okie dokie.. shall play neopets!

* destiny decides who you meet in life.. *
* but its your heart that decides who stays.. *

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 2/25/2006 01:04:00 AM


yep.. dats wad huiyan's doing..
for a week long of hols already...
*shakes head..* huiyan needs to start on her mugging timetable and get grades good enough..

anyways.. chill-out session tonight!!
to this new place that kian is bringing us..
called BEDS or something..
(ok.. jokes have been cracked on it..)
then prolly hitting RUSH with kian after that..
and see for myself what shuffling looks like..

plus im going camping tmr!! woot!
and i cant wait..
but i've not packed my bag yet..
wuahaha.. nvm.. that can wait till later in the afternoon when i decide to get off my sorry ass and do some mugging..

aights.. shall go have a mini kitchen war..
*huiyan hungry.. hungry huiyan..*

* creativity is allowing mistakes to be made.. *
* art is knowing which ones to keep.. *

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 2/24/2006 02:16:00 PM

im happy

hmm.. yes.. im happy! yay~
went down to bukit batok today..
met lisoon.. who was so kind as to accompany me out today.. wuahaha..
looked around bukit batok for my dearest fish-babies-to-be.. but sadly, dint get any.. but nvm.. gonna head out to hunt for them tmr! yay~
so... gotta wake up early...
then go down to paradiz thr..
look see look see first..
check da prices... then mebbe head over to little india there check prices before i decide where im gonna buy my fish babies..

then lisoon drove us over to the creative hq..
whr i went to check my stupid keyboard..
turns out there's nth wrong with it..
wasted trip there man..
but thank god lisoon was nice enuf.. hehe..

after that.. we went marina sq..
whr the crazy lisoon bought SIX luggage locks..
haha... ok.. not all for him but still..
and we had carl's jr!! yummy!!
my meal was like 10 bucks la...
but free flow of drinks and the huge huge burger and yummy criss-cut fries and not-so-yummy onion rings kinda made up for it.. hehe..
oh.. did i mention that we heard a great song while having our lunch/dinner.. or what lisoon calls 'high tea' and i dont agree..
we were like "ask the waitress leh" kinda thing alrd and i dint mind asking.. thinking back, i think we almost made ourselves look like clowns but lucky we dint.. haha.. V(^_^)V
and we remembered can search by the lyrics and i kinda caught some *impt* words and voila!
i found the song! *so proud~*
its "No Scrub" by TLC... yay~

met lisoon's fren @ bugis after that..
slacked at the food court till almost 10pm..
when lisoon suddenly rmb he wanna buy cd and we had to chiong upstairs to find the shop already closed...
tough luck lisoon! wuahaha...
pool @ paradiz centre...
after which, lisoon dropped us off at hotel intercontinental.. i hope he finds his way hm..
now im thinking i should've given him better directions to suntec so that he can get hm easier.. feel so bad now..

haa.. anyways!! i had a GREAT DAY!!
thanks lisoon.. *big grin..*

* look at the stars.. *
* to feel their shine upon you.. *

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 2/22/2006 11:47:00 PM


~ by: Alex Toh

小星星 亮晶晶 闪在你的眼睛里
从此投入我的心 呼风又唤雨
我愿意 好愿意 双手奉上我自己
单身夜里找到你 再也不离去

爱是我 爱是你 爱是肯定句
Ho~ 谁也不能阻挡我 永远守护你
日出日落 黑夜白昼 时时刻刻拥在怀中
清清楚楚这感动 分秒可以成永久
我望着你 你看着我 有句话我想对你说
今生今世跟着我 做你幸福的理由

我愿意 好愿意 双手奉上我自己
单身夜里找到你 再也不离去

爱是我 爱是你 爱是肯定句
Ho~ 谁也不能阻挡我 永远守护你
日出日落 黑夜白昼 时时刻刻拥在怀中
清清楚楚这感动 分秒可以成永久
我望着你 你看着我 有句话我想对你说
今生今世跟着我 做你幸福的理由

爱是我 爱是你 爱是肯定句
Ho~ 谁也不能阻挡我 永远守护你
日出日落 黑夜白昼 时时刻刻拥在怀中
清清楚楚这感动 分秒可以成永久
我望着你 你看着我 有句话我想对你说
今生今世跟着我 做你幸福的理由

日出日落 黑夜白昼 时时刻刻拥在怀中
清清楚楚这感动 分秒可以成永久
我望着你 你看着我 有句话我想对你说
今生今世跟着我 做你幸福的理由
嫁给我 Woo~ 嫁给我

woot~ so in love with this song now!!
alex toh's voice is soooo sexy la...
i'd prolly melt if someone sang this song and propose to me under the night sky.. so romantic~

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 2/21/2006 12:16:00 AM

dancing in the moonlight

Dancing In The Moonlight
~by: Van Morrison

We get it on most every night
When that old moon gets so big and bright
It's a supernatural delight
Everybody was dancin' in the moonlight

Everybody here is out of sight
They don't bark, and they don't bite
They keep things loose, they keep things light
Everybody was dancin' in the moonlight

Dancin' in the moonlight
Everybody's feelin' warm and right
It's such a fine and natural sight
Everybody's dancin' in the moonlight

We like our fun and we never fight
You can't dance and stay uptight
It's a supernatural delight
Everybody was dancin' in the moonlight

Dancin' in the moonlight
Everybody's feelin' warm and right
It's such a fine and natural sight
Everybody's dancin' in the moonlight

Everybody here is out of sight
They don't bark, and they don't bite
They keep things loose, they keep things light
Everybody was dancin' in the moonlight

Dancin' in the moonlight
Everybody's feelin' warm and right
It's such a fine and natural sight
Everybody's dancin' in the moonlight

Dancin' in the moonlight
Everybody's feelin' warm and right
It's such a fine and natural sight
Everybody's dancin' in the moonlight

Dancin' in the moonlight
Everybody's feelin' warm and right
It's such a fine and natural sight
Everybody's dancin' in the moonlight

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 2/20/2006 03:03:00 PM

walk down memory lane

went back to CHR's new campus today..
ok.. not really that new already.. 5 yrs..
and boy.. i hafta say the facilities are great!
can u imagine.. they actually have a flying fox station in the school campus!?
i dont believe this la..
not fair!! humph~~

anyways.. went back for a carnival..
but dint even buy anything or played any of the games there.. just went around looking for teachers..
not that we dint wanna buy the coupons to play or anything.. but the ticket booth was closed when we went to purchase it..
so well.. too bad then..

it was great seeing the teachers once again.. especially after so many years..
but it wasnt good when ur sec 2 form teacher points at you and says, "i recognise you." once she sees you..
bleah... trouble-maker me.. haha!

ok.. so things started getting boring and so some of us decided to leave since there's nothing much we can do anyway..
reached home.. and went bugis..
bought my hair dye! *finally...*
dyed my hair almost immediately upon reaching home.. wuahaha...
red colour.. but it wont be very obvious unless im under the bright sunlight or something..
and i just realised i've never dyed it any other colour other than red..
wanted to get purple dye..
but too bad.. they dont have it..

and im finally getting pple to go on that camp instructor thingy with me alrd!
soooo happy!! mwehehe..
gotta call them tmr alrd!!
need to gather all the details..
and get pple to go with me!! yay~

imma happy pig princess! =)

* just keep swimming.. *
* just keep swimming swimming swimming.. *

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 2/20/2006 12:37:00 AM


Take Free Advanced Global Personality Test
personality tests by

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 2/18/2006 01:41:00 PM

Johari & Nohari

tell me im good...
tell me im bad...

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 2/18/2006 10:19:00 AM

msn display pics

kudos to licheng for making them..
the PIG PRINCESS series... lols..
there's a sleeping pig princess.. a pig princess watching tv.. a pig princess mugger.. and last but not least, one that has KOed.. lols..
shall not post them up..
lest someone uses them...
cause its meant for the pig princess and the pig princess only!!
but u guys will be able to see it on my msn as display pic..
wuahaha.. damn cute la..
lols... why he so nice...?
haha... the result of having an ultra sian and boring friday night and having huiyan as a chat partner.. wuahaha..

aight.. hitting the sack alrd...
goodnight pple! =)

* things will go my way... *
* because i believe.. *

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 2/17/2006 11:52:00 PM

accident-prone me

yep.. a day full of accidents man...
early in the morning...
wait.. it was more like 10am..
anyhow.. kenna 'kicked' by mom (accidently)..
and her freaking toe nail *dunno how to describe* the poor 4th little toe of my pathetic left foot...
ok... so it hurt...
cause pressure = force / area..
and since its a friggin' small area..
pressure increases..
so it hurts more! basket......

haa... then mom called her sis..
she was gonna ask my aunt if she wants to buy a particular stuff (which she usually does..)..
and so happens....
my 'darling' niece picked up da phone..
and pao-toed her cousins...
said they hacked my maple acc!
gave me their login id and pw..
'bollmanbull', 'bowlmanbull'.. ids she gave..
but none were correct!!
wbd.. cant even login..
neither id was registered la...
end up her bro called just now in the evening.. around 6 plus 7, wanting to talk to my bro..
and told me the id is 'bowmanbull'..
oh, my darling niece....
still dare to tell me it's '碗'..
which means 'bowl' in chinese..
when i ask her to confirm the id..
haa.. all fearing the wrath of my tigress mom.. wuahaha.... all hail the queen!

fine.. thought it was the end of it..
but no... boo!!
met this hostile aunty aboard the bus who reluctantly let me have the inside seat which her precious little plastic bag was sitting upon and she didnt even like gimme a little leeway to get to the freaking seat inside for all she did was lift that little plastic bag of hers and gently place it upon her dainty lap..
grr.. i had to struggle my way in la..
and that momentary struggle caused me to hit my head against the air-con thingy that most of you should have noticed if you've taken a ride aboard those older TIBS buses...
pain.. was not the issue..
but the paiseh-ness.. omg..
felt like digging a hole right there and then and just bury my head there for the rest of the journey...
and my mp3 had to pop up daniel powter's song, "bad day" when it happened..
argh.... how coincidental...

thank god the rest of the day went ok...
my stomach growled so loudly in the library that i was so embaressed and immediately logged out of the sch's comp and hurried off in search of food since water aint doing its job..
and save the fact that i nearly overslept on the bus ride home and could've prolly ended up somewhere near eunos or something...
and not to mention the fact that i have a crazy sis singing and dancing and trying to seduce me, with little effort except disgust me to the max and reminding me of the crazy top-model wannabe who peed in an adult's diaper ystd on channel 5..

welps... all in a bad day....
good thing that occured today..
having bird's nest in like god knows how long since i last tasted such delicacy la!!
yum yum yum!! love it~
just hope that i wont end up with a tummy ache or something later today or tmr..

aight.. NO self-pity nicks...
if not later kenna kok in the head by someone who's threathening everyone in his MSN nick..

yay~ off for more tv!!

* to live is to love.. *
* so as to live no regrets.. *

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 2/16/2006 10:46:00 PM

instructors wanted!!

love the outdoors...??
love adventures...??
so what are u waiting for?!

ok.. that was uberly lame..
but heck, i'm looking for pple to go with me to this camp instructor thingy cause stupid as it seems.. i dun wanna go alone...

so.. anyone looking for a job?
details over here..
and check out their webby..
sms or msn me if ur thinking of trying this out ok!! cause i wanna goooooo~~~

* gain that sense of satisfaction! *

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 2/16/2006 09:50:00 AM

bored to the MAX

stayed home the whole of today..
skipped lessons i have in the morning..
and realised i cannot take such kind of life..

life w/o interaction with the outside world..
is completely meaningless to me..
i wonder how mom coped with it..
ok.. so maybe she interacts with the neighbours..


staying at home all day..
doing nothing but watching scenes move in and out of that little black box i call a tv..
omg.. absolute boredom..
i shud have just hopped on a bus..
and take it all the way to the terminal..
board another bus and continue the journey..
get myself lost in some part of singapore..
then figure a way to get back home..
that'd be more fulfilling eh...?
at least i'd know my way back home..

haa.. anyways....
chat with a friend last night till ard 4am..
talked abt the differences btwn M & F..
i quoted this to him....

Men are from Mars..
and Women from Venus..
does this aid in understanding the other sex..?
i dunnoe.. prolly not...
he then told me..
"we're all humans..
shudn't we be having the same feelings..?"

heh.. some pple are devoid of it..

anyways... sensitive issue...
shall not brood over it..
in case i slaughter any more of those pathetic brain cells that are rotting their usefulness away..
its time to embark on my journey..
need to get my spirits up..
and start a hell of a muggin period..

caught da winter olympics after chatting..
figure skating rocks..
though i think ystd's judging was a tad too harsh on the competitors...
but who am i to comment..?
i aint no judge around here..
some performancea that i really enjoyed..
the program score was so damn low..
technical score i cant comment..
and i fell asleep on the sofa once again..
well.. do catch it if u can..
esp figure skating and ice-hockey..
skiing aint bad too..
oh man! i just love the snow....

oh wells... one last thing...
i need a LIFE........

* life is rarely as we would like it to be... *
* rather it is exactly as it is... *

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 2/15/2006 10:11:00 PM


~ by: Llyod featuring Ashanti

Tell ya daddy stop his hating
Cuz I be wearing braids and rockin jerseys daily
But that dont mean im thuggin no
He dont want me with ya
But I aint tryna hear it though
Not tryna hear it though

But I know that if he knew yah
He would understand yah
Know that your my man and
He would never hurt me no
Let me come and see you
So that we can be alone, alone
(Baby I know a place that we can go and be alone)
As long as you make sure that you safely get me home
(Don't worry baby)

Meet me at the southside
Get you home by midnight
Make sure that your daddy just don't know (daddy just don't know)
I'll put you in the hoodbug
I know what I'm doin cause
We'll be eating on the low (eating at the low)

Meet me at the southside
Baby we can go hide
Knowin that mah boys goin have my back (yeah-eeh-yeah)
Only at the southside girl (southside, eh-eeh-eh)

Girl I'll know that we can make it
Cause we won't let him break it
I don't care whose wit it
Its you and me against the world
Tell me those three words that
Lets me know you're still my girl
Oh Baby, yeah

Oh I swear I'll never leave you(why)
People have lied to yah
But by your side I'll show yah
The way a girl needs to roll
You don't need a lot of money
I'm ready come pick me up, pick me up
(Baby I know a place that we can go to be alone, yeah)
Long as you make sure that you safely get me home
(Don't worry baby)

Meet me at the southside
Get you home by midnight (midnight)
Make sure that your daddy just don't know (oh, no-no-no)
I'll put you in the hoodbug
I know what I'm doin cause
We'll be eating on the low (eating on the low, oh)

Meet me at the southside
Baby we can go hide
Knowin that mah boys goin have my back (we can go hide babe)
Only at the southside girl (yeah-eeh-yeah)
Southside, southside girl (southside)

Baby we can
Baby we can (Baby we can)
Yeah Baby (Yeah Baby, heh)
Meet me at the southside girl (Oh-oh-oh-ooh-oh-oh-oh)

Cause all I want to do is ride to the south wit you (Ooooh-oooh-oooh-oooh-hooh-hoh-ooooh-oooooh)
ATL Georgia, what do we do for ya

Meet me at the southside (You can come and meet me yeah-eeh-yeah, yeah)
Get you home by midnight
Make sure that your daddy just don't know, oh baby
I'll put you in the hoodbug (meet me at the southside yeah)
I know what I'm doing cause
We'll be eating on the low (meet me at the southside yeah)

Meet me at the southside, southside
Baby we can go hide
Knowin that mah boys goin have my back
Only at the southside girl, gotchu in tha hood (got me in tha hood)
Southside, but it's all good (we goin chill)

ATL Georgia, what do we do for ya
Pull down like we george town holdas
(Can you pick me up tonight, take me anywhere you like)
Shorty let's ride, in my cadillac (Cadillac)
Taxi'll see you back
And everything'll be coo (yeah)
Side girl (yeah)
Alright (oooh-oh-no, no-ooh-hooh)
So what you wann do (we goin kick it tonight)
(yeah-yeah, yeah-yeah, only at the southside)
I know it, that you ain't used to this country boy
But I'll show ya (Show me)
Ain't nuttin but a thing (yeah-yeah-yeah)
Chicken wings on string (baby-baby-baby)
That's how I hang (only at the southside, southside, southside)

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 2/15/2006 01:07:00 PM

dream car

yes.. my dream car..
a jeep wrangler..
any design will do..
just so long that it's the open air kind...

nt those enclosed ones..
even thou they're better..
cause they can shield u from the rain and sun and all sorts of crap u'll face when out on the roads or be in the dense jungle or just some sort of whatever track you might be on..
but heck! this is a beauty~
i cant wait to own one that i can call my baby...
but hell..
i need to get my license first..

anyways.. some pics of it..

absolute shiok-ness right!!
imagine driving to malaysia for some trekking or camping or whatever outdoor stuff..
'high' to the max man!

anyways.. saw this on a poster while walking down orchard just now..
and omg.. im awed..
ok.. better hurry and get my license!

resolution for 3 months break:
1. get driving license..
2. get driving license.. and last but not least..
3. get driving license!!

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 2/15/2006 12:53:00 AM

friendship day

yep.. got hm not long ago.. mwehehe..
met licheng & kianhai @ somerset mrt..
went for dinner @ cineleisure's BK..
haha.. got surprised by those 2 guys sia..
kianhai suddenly disappeared..
was wondering where he went to..
when he re-appeared with a stalk of rose..
haha.. much appreciated!! thanks!!

after that.. pool at lucky plaza...
i need to improve on my pool sia..
its getting from bad.. to worse.. =(

anyways.. watched the korean show..
think the name is "a season for love"..

its worth the watch man...
there are a few touching scenes..
esp those towards the end..
almost cried sia.. but never.. hehe..
arbo very paiseh sia...

oh ya.. and licheng gave me the royce chocs..
which we were supposed to share..
when kianhai was ard..
and fengrun was supposed to appear..
but then.. end up nvr eat at all..

lalala.. and so the girl gets to keep it..
and valentines.. is really nt the day for guys..
going thru much effort (not to mention cost..)..
just to make the girl happy..
aint we girls glad we're the fairer sex?

well.. just glad i went out today..
thank god orchard aint that crowded..
but still...

and also...

* knowledge about you just keeps growing.. *
* how and when will i stop learning...? *

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 2/15/2006 12:18:00 AM

happy vdae 2oo6!

happy valentine's pple!~ hehe..
the much awaited season of love is finally here!! or rather.. the day of love.. wuahaha..
anyways.. here's something to celebrate this love season of the year..

hmm.. and cancerians are said to have the best romance luck in the year of 2oo6...
that leaves me wondering.. haha..
but! concentrate on studies first!
prolly going to be a freelance camp facilitator or instructor during the long 3 months break..
cant wait man! hehe..

oh wells.. enjoy ur day pple!
cuz i'm sure i'll enjoy mine too..

* is this the way to love...? *
* if so.. let's take flight.. *

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 2/14/2006 12:00:00 AM


angry.. angry.. ANGRY!!!!!
damn damn damn damn damnit la~~~
i dont believe this lor...

my maplestory acc got hacked!!
can u believe it!?
i cant!! and i cant take it!!
wat the hell la...
and the hacker so smart sia..
hack my STORAGE ACC leh!!
wah lao!! all those precious items!!
im sooooooo gonna strangle him/her if i know who the freakin hell did this to me..
hit with such horrendous news upon reaching home from my dinner with my buddy and her bf..
wah lao......
must be those basket nephews or cousins of mine.. and my basket brother!!
why the hell did he let everyone know his password?! why the hell did he ask them to play his account for him!?
water cow!! get me into trouble!

i wanna chop pple up alrd...
wah lao....
i dont believe my luck..
so much for a good start heh..
knn.. kns.. wbd..

* dont get on my nerves now.. *
* cause they are damn raw... *

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 2/11/2006 11:08:00 PM

civil engineers

civil engineering undergrads...
nothing but part-time bangladeshi workers..
yep.. and we pay to do those part-time..
omg..omg.. OMG!!
was chatting with a lab mate after lab today..
found sooo many loopholes with the education system today and discussing abt why we hafta pay so much for a screwed up system..
all these but for a piece of paper..
why oh why do we hafta study?
is that one piece of paper so impt..

haa.. on to other matters.....
i had a chance but i think i blew it..
oh well.. shant be too bothered by it..
i got my studies to take care of..

monday is one hectic day...
all those extra stuff to be done...
meet at geotechnics lab for project...
then at protective engineering lab..
to de-mould the cement we part-time banglas mixed and fought with the vibrating table over..
and followed by a quiz which i would most prolly screw up cuz i aint planning on studying..
but i think i shall now..
why? cuz nobody is free over the weekend to catch jet li's 'fearless' with me..
peiting is busy with dunno wad..
huiwen.. most prolly in m'sia..
oh wells... shall study then..

aight.. shall go rest my tired shell now..
before there aint time for myself when i start mugging the rest of the semester away..

* like a short spell of rain.. *
* under the bright sunlight.. *
* we love each other so much.. *
* but the time of separation has come... *

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 2/10/2006 06:24:00 PM

screw tagboard

yes.. screw tag-board!!
its lousy and lousy and LOUSY!!
cant even tag at my own board!
wth.. and when i tried to create a new one at c-box... i cant!! wats da meaning of this!?
i'll try cbox once again later..
but now..
here's a reply to '...' who tagged..

getting sick of other bunch of friends? no, i'm not.. but since they aint asking for an outing... well.. no pt in me asking right? btw, no need to act mysterious.. just leave ur name cuz im sure ur from my other grp of frens.. i can take it.. =)=)

so there.. get the idea?
u wanna ask me out.. ask..
dun act mysterious and just tag there..
i'll gladly entertain u and just reply here..

* getting ready to fly... *
* are you with me...? *

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 2/08/2006 06:57:00 PM


finally got a date on v-day..
not exactly what i had wanted..
but it beats having nothing at all..
besides, its also friendship day!
let's all celebrate it.. =)

tentatively meeting the singles from my primary sch class for tauhuay at 9.30pm..
quite odd ar.. go for tauhuay..
but well.. sch ends at 7.30pm..
and i've no other plans..

but i think i'll enjoy it....

* being true to oneself.. *
* no matter what happens.. *

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 2/07/2006 10:45:00 PM

days of four

did i mention i was accident-prone ystd?
cause yesterday was a day of FOUR..
wads that u say...
haa.. my unlucky day(s)...
i've FOUR unlucky days of four each month..
or at least 3... boo~

how did i know this...?
simple calculation..
ok.. so im a little into this kinda astrology things and i admit i love them too.. bleah...
well.. shall let u guys in on the formula..
say, your bday is 15 Feb 1983..
so the calculation would be....
1 + 5 + 0 + 2 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 3 = 29
then... 2 + 9 = 11
and... 1 + 1 = 2
so days where the numbers add up to TWO..
that would be your unlucky day..
ie: 2, 11 and 20

mine lands on 4, 13, 22, and 31..
and ystd was the 4th! darn..
i accidently plucked out 2 eyelashes..
which hurt like hell...
and guess wad....?
my tragus piercing bled...
and its swollen like nobody's business..

im sooooo unlucky!! =(=(

* its your eyes.. *
* its your hands.. *
* its your heart.. *
* its your love.... *

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 2/05/2006 12:19:00 PM

first 21 bday party!

yep.. just got back nt long ago from the FIRST 21st bday party of the year i've attended..
muz b honoured that i went hor..
amanda.. ur face very big already lor..
got me to attend ur bday celebration..
wuahaha... kekeke... jkjk..
*i feel pple shooting darts at me alrd...*

well... im really glad i went..
it feels all warm and fuzzy inside la..
amanda's family is really tight..
and her nieces are sooooo the very cute!!
omg.. so adorable and angelic!
twins somemore... makes that a double plus!

anyway... me and jamie were discussing alot of plans for gatherings, bday celebrations and even an overseas trip!!
for us tkd girls..
and we're soooo into the ideas la..
we gotta make plans soon girls..
i cant wait man!
just thinking of them... wah!!
too many things to do.. too little time..

hmm... i cant wait for my 21st too..
u can be absent..
but i muz have the present! =P

haha.. shall go slp now..
even thou i feel like eating macs..
kk.. nights pple~
love ya!

* take a look at a glass half-filled with water.. *
* and tell me whether..*
* its half-full or half-empty.. *

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 2/05/2006 01:16:00 AM


just accidently plucked out two eyelashes!
damnit!! it hurts like f*** la~ argh!!
and its near the inside of the eye..
do u get whr im describing...??
you know.. the eye.. near the nose thr..

oh well.. getting ready to go out..
and PARTYYY~~ woot!!
its amanda's bday party today..
lalala.. looking forward to it..
cuz i'll be meeting my tkd girls.. finally!
nt the full strength.. but it'll do..
i'm contented already.. =)=)

hmm.. and in trouble as well!!
havent gotten the girl her pressie yet!!
darn.. gotta go bugis to look see look see..

shall head out at 3pm...
then meet sheena @ cck at say.. 5.15pm..?
dunno la.. msg sheena ask her first..
shall go try to doll up..
wuahaha... ciao!

* there will be a time and place.. *
* where all questions will be answered.. *

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 2/04/2006 12:54:00 PM

visit them!

quite cute eh?? haha...
go visit them at
think is the webby for their shop..
not too sure..but well.. hehe~

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 2/04/2006 01:21:00 AM

4th day of cny

haa.. back in sch on the 4th day of cny..
it sucks.. seriously..
im soooo tired that i dont even wish to pick myself out of my bed this morning..
angbao money is also miserable..
aint as much as last yr.. bleah~
stingy relatives.. pui!
amt decreasing yr after yr..
some even resorted to not giving..
like my 二舅母.. horrible woman sia..
she brought along her grandson and saw 4 of us girls playing mj @ da door..
we even greeted her..
then she went inside..
talk talk talk.. give angbao..
and when she was leaving..
even the goodbyes we said..
is like, pretend nvr hear liddat..
and its not like we're transparent!!
mahjong table so big somemore.. =.="

anyway.. just a brief update..

went 叔叔's place to pray to the ancestors first..
then lunch.. which i dint eat much..
cuz... steamboat dinner @ my place!!
wuahaha.. there's too much food la..
and not enough pple to finish it~ bleah..
then played mahjong with 婶婶..
10cent 20cent only.. so win small small..
abt 3bucks plus.. if i remember correctly..
but was on a losing streak at first..
before Lady Luck started smiling on me.. =)
and dad, granny and 叔叔 went to the temple while we were playing mj..
to 插第一株香 and pray for good fortune..

went my 叔叔's place first..
before proceeding to tampines to visit my granny's younger brother..
which was a wrong move for me..
cause he happened to stay in st 21!
damnit.. i was hoping i wont see someone..
but i did.. how sway can someone get??

i saw him and his brothers..
trying to hail a cab on the main road..
i was nice enuf to wish him happy cny..
now i think it was stupid of me..

he was such a jerk.. >.<"
but when i was there..
received a cny sms that i'd been waiting..
good morning at 12 plus.. hohoho~

anyway.. went visiting my grandpa's younger brother's place @ bishan after that..
then to my great-granduncle's place..
which is prolly a 15 min walk away...?
i dint walk but dad and sis did..
had a sumptous lunch before we headed hm..
thought i could do a mask or something..
before going to my 阿姨's place to gamble..
put on the mask alrd..
then mom asked us to change and head out..
zzz.. i so badly wanted to slp..
but mahjong.. cannot resist!!
wuahaha.. played with my sis and nieces..
won around 2 dollar plus.. hehe..
but felt like i was bullying small kiddos liddat leh..
played till 2am plus, nearly 3..
before we took a cab home..

went 三舅's place @ jurong..
and guess what...? its mahjong again!
wuahaha.. this time round was playing with my sis, cousin and one of my nieces..
again.. Lady Luck is smiling~
won 20 over bucks! from my cousin..
felt kinda bad after that..
but dint haf enough time to think of what to do..
cuz was rushing to my 姑姑's place..
i was pigging out on the mini pizzas my aunt served before dinner started la..
then 捞鱼生, 皇帝鸡 and lotsa yummy food! =P
then came an unexpected sms.. hehe~
someone thought i was in m'sia..
cuz i did ask him if he wanted to join us..
but the idea was cancelled cuz i cant get my mom to gimme my bloody passport..
besides.. if we were going to m'sia, it would be on tuesday.. and not monday.. that toot~

oh wells.. he was planning to go zouk..
with a few of his ball guys and he asked me whether i wanted to join them..
of course i want! stupid qn..
my uncle fetched me to great world city..
waited for the 4 guys @ the bus stop..
was staring at nowhere when they walked past..

and i think he was planning to pretend that im non-existant till i spotted him! *roar!*
or prolly walk up and down before me..
if i hadnt seen him.. grr~
caught him looking at me from the corner of his eye when he walk past la.. and that sneaky smile.. hmph!
he then told me his fren said i've short legs..
hello? you guys play basketball!
all 4 of you are like practically one head taller than me already la..
and i was wearing an overall...?
dunno if thats the word for it..
but well.. its calf-length..
so there.. dont blame me if i look short!
it'd become a full length thing if me sister is gonna wear it... *grr..*

well.. walked inside to zouk..
and the queue is so frickin' long!
even phuture and velvet's queue is horrible..
they was supposed to meet a few friends inside phuture if im not wrong..
but well.. plans changed..
and we decided to hit rouge for a change..
not bad i must say..
nice ambience.. a non-rowdy crowd..
and live band.. which he commented that the lead looked like aerosmith cause of the hair..
i like it there..
great place to just sit back and chill..

left rouge at ard 1am plus..
mini supper for the guys @ 7-11..
and as what he will say, "时间到, 就要吃东西.."
one of his friends was actually planning for us to go have steak @ liang seah st..
or at mr bean's..
but ended up going to devil's bar..
which was the initial plan when leaving rouge..
i was quite beat upon reaching..
and dint have the mood to dance..
his fren keep asking me to drink la!
make me play scissors paper stone..
loser drink.. then when i keep winning, he change it to winner drink.. o.O!
and one of his fren left early..
i think its cause of me.. >.<"

anyway.. left devil's at 4am plus..
finally man.. i had to be up by 10am..
and a funny incident happened when we were about to leave that place some more..
this drunk guy was sending a lady friend of his off in a taxi.. and boy, he was so drunk he needed to be helped by another lady friend..
so well, he bumped into andre..
and i think he actually wanted to turn around and give andre those kinda guai lan face..
but when he turned ard..
he saw no face.. but andre's chest..
haha.. then i guess its the face la..
look so fierce that the drunk guy changed his expression to that of a silly idiot..
lols.. andre the gangster~ wuahaha..

supposed to meet my pri sch frens..
for a mini cny gathering..
but couldnt make it at the last min..
*im sorry guys! next time!*

so well.. met huiwen, pt and teddy..
had lunch @ central, taka there..
not bad la.. damn filling..
teddy and huiwen keep suaning me on paying $3.50 for my coke with lemon.. dots dots dots..
coke addict wad! cannot meh~
anyway.. walked around orchard..
saw the youngest drummer in singapore, ethan ong, playing outside paragon..
and saw him getting lotsa angbaos!
and cash! oh my~ i dint know how generous these pple can get man..
i saw a lady dropping a $50 note..
but then again.. he's good..
for a kid his age.. its no easy feat...

then met lisoon at 5 plus..
and he treated us to dinner @ pastamania..
so nice of him right?
after that went partyworld..
which i was really threatened and kinda forced into.. all thanks to ms. 'nice', gu peiting..
but ok la.. had fun thr..
and went our separate ways at 11plus cause there's like sch/work the next morning and all..

okie dokie.. thats all for my cny..
here's a picture to sum it all up..

my cny outfits!
abit 自恋.. but heck la..
i noe i look good~ mwehehe..

alrighty~ gotta go hit the stores..
get some stuff..
and start working!
v-day's just around the corner~

* if legs are meant for walking.. *
* let me walk with you.. *

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 2/01/2006 08:55:00 AM


im sooooo pissed off..
hafta head down to ikea all alone tmr..
and im not liking it the least bit..
i feel like strangling someone..
and twisting his neck off...
i truely dont appreciate going there..
esp when im all alone....
wads the point seriously?

but i still hafta go..
cuz there's a bday celebration this sat..
and i need to get the present done..

im soooo gonna ignore you! hmph!

* lets just get this over and done with.. *

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 2/01/2006 12:49:00 AM

- About Moi -
Name: Ya(w)nz
Age: I'm getting the KEY in 2oo6!
Birthday: 19 July 85
School: Nanyang Technological University
Course: College of Engineering // Civil Engineering
E-Mail: wanna email me...?

add me @ friendster!

- Loves -
My girlfriends
My family
Mother Son Hubbers ((MSH))

- Loathes -

- Egg Babies -

- Wishlist -
#1 - Random Adidas Watches
yes, get me any of this and i'll love you!

#2 - Adidas jackets! Of any colour~
Adidas RAWKS!!

#3 - Anything with a CROWN TIARA CROWN!!
Eg: belts, necklaces, shirts, etc..
Make me feel like a real royalty!

#4 - Stuff toys!! Especially Squirt, Flounder or Nemo!!
I love plushies~ #5 - Zen Neeon.. Don't think anyone would give me this but still.. its
a wish! And if any kind soul is gonna buy this..
ORANGE or PURPLE please!
I really need one of these!

list still growing~..
- Days of Yore - - Her Decree - - Her Quondam Skins -
- Royal Entertainment -
.ntu official site.
.perfect 10.
.SG sell/trade.

- Royal-links -

an old blog of mine.. very un-updated..