blogskin dated: 24.apr.06
ongoing celebrations

Just got back from Kenny's 21st birthday chalet. It has been a long time since I met the bunch of people. Unhappy things kind of happened but thank God, it didn't dampen the mood. All were still merry and good. I'm just waiting for the pictures to be sent to me. It sucks when you don't have your own camera with you, having to wait for others to upload the pictures and all. I've gotta go get mine fixed asap.

Celebrated Tzehai's 21st birthday on Friday too. Went down to his place at Punggol and my, his room is awesome. I'm still jealous that he has a sofa in his room. Hahaha. Well, played mahjong in his room's floor but it did not last long for it was time to cut the cake! Yummy. And luckily, we left early enough to catch the last bus home. If not, Andie and me will probably be stranded at Sengkang. Don't want that to happen, do we?

Anyway, here's a picture we took with him. That boy still looks the same. Lol.

. at Tzehai's 21st celebrations .

And it's Mother's Day later today! Gotta head down to Bedok to my aunt's place to celebrate. Bought granny flowers while out shopping with sis before we headed down to Tampines to meet the gang. I hope she likes it. Sis is going to bake apple crumble for both the aunts. And are you thinking, why isn't my mom getting anything? You're so wrong! Hahaha. We've already gotten her the U-Zap, because she said she wanted it, ages ago. It is worth the money cause the both of us get to use it too.

Plus, it's Isabelle's 21st birthday celebrations at the Chevrons tomorrow. Aint got the slightest idea of what to get her. Got to meet up with Ms Gu to go shopping for it tomorrow before the celebrations. Hope she'll like what we got her even thou I have no clue what we'll be getting her. Hahaha.

All right. I'm outta here.

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 5/14/2006 01:26:00 AM

桃花运...? 懊恼...

This thing is getting out of hand. It's somehow getting on my nerves. Haa.

And also just this afternoon, while we brought the Dunman High students to Jusco, the new mall in Johor Bahru which is currently the largest, I got a rather weird experience. I was just roaming around the mall with a fellow camp instructor before our shift duty and my eyes just somehow landed on the Quiksilver shop there. As I was only trying to see what neat stuff is available, I somehow noticed two male staffs eyes were on me. And suddenly, one started waving in my direction! I thought he was waving to someone behind me, so I followed his line of sight but no. There was no one there! Urgh!! And I realised his head turned and he just kept looking in my direction while waving at me. It couldn't be the other camp instructor because she wasn't even looking at them. Scary.

I feel odd. Real odd. Boo.

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 5/12/2006 02:55:00 AM

dunman high 2006 camp

"Lala lala.. Shiok shiok!" These are the only words that I can use to descibe Dunman High School's Secondary 3 Level Camp 2006.

I love my CHOCOLATE dudes and babes. They rock. This is my best camp so far, even though I wanted to leave on the first day when I saw some other people there. But I'm glad I didn't do so because I really, really enjoyed this camp. Except for the multiple mozzie bites I acquired over those 4 days and 3 nights - 8 on the back, 10 plus per arm, 30 plus on my left leg and 50 plus on my right leg, which is the most serious area. It's practically bumpy on my thigh and it's really itchy. Just applied some Tiger Balm, which is starting to take effect. The heat is soothing compared to the heat.

I also had a wonderful time with my buddy group, the Bouncing Buffalo Balls. And together, we're termed the Chocolate Balls. Hahaha.. how suggestive is this group name.

We instructors felt like Singapore Idols when we went back to the school. All were so popular with the kids after these 4 days. My Chocolate-ies even bought chocolate for me. How sweet of them! =)

Bought a new bag with my pay and did my laundry, washed my bags and shoes. Going to pack up my stuff after I finish this blog entry. I'm so satisfied with my performance for this camp, but there are still lots of areas to improve on and I'm going to do so in the next camp. There's just so much more to learn. My assistant camp chief said I did a good job for this camp and I felt so happy. But yes, I'll be humble and continue learning. I just cant wait to go for the next camp! Oh yeah.

Off to pack my stuff already! Ciao~..

"What are your BALLS made of?" - Instructors Aniq & Huiyan
"CHOCOLATE!" - Chocolate and Bouncing Buffalo Balls

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 5/11/2006 09:07:00 PM

shoe whore

I am such a slave to beautiful shoes. Went to Bugis today with my sister, with absolutely no intention of buying anything. But things turned out otherwise. Bought 2 beautiful pairs of shoes - a pair of boots and a pair of flats. Boy, they are such beauties.

Now let's have a look at them.

. mah lovely pumps .

Here are the beautiful brown pumps with glitter details. And if you looked closely, there is a little flower near the back of the pumps.

. mah beeyootiful boots .

And this beauty, is my precious boots. My very first pair of boots and they are bootilicious! It is simple yet gorgeous. =)

PS: Forgive the resolution. Photos were taken using my handphone because my camera is spoilt.

And I'm so gonna get that pair of green boots from ebase once I get my pay. Hooray!

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 5/08/2006 12:16:00 AM

july baby


  • Fun to be with.
  • Secretive.
  • Difficult to fathom and to be understood.
  • Quiet unless excited or tensed.
  • Takes pride in oneself.
  • Has reputation.
  • Easily consoled.
  • Honest.
  • Concerned about people's feelings.
  • Tactful.
  • Friendly.
  • Approachable.
  • Emotional temperamental and unpredictable.
  • Moody and easily hurt.
  • Witty and sparkly.
  • Spazzy at times.
  • Not revengeful.
  • Forgiving but never forgets.
  • Dislikes nonsensical and unnecessary things.
  • Guides others physically and mentally.
  • Sensitive and forms impressions carefully.
  • Caring and loving.
  • Treats others equally.
  • Strong sense of sympathy.
  • Wary and sharp.
  • Judges people through observations.
  • Hardworking.
  • No difficulties in studying.
  • Loves to be alone.
  • Always broods about the past and the old friends.
  • Waits for friends.
  • Never looks for friends.
  • Not aggressive unless provoked.
  • Loves to be loved.
  • Easily hurt but takes long to recover.

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 5/07/2006 01:54:00 PM


Do you guys know that, Singapore has a hot-air balloon already? Well, I do. It's been there for quite a while already. Anyway, I was so bored at home the other day and so I went to the kitchen to rummage through the fridge which watching TV. Coincidentally, the hot-air balloon was, what do you term it? Rising? Guess that shall be the word for it. Here's a picture I took using my handphone.

This is the so-called hot-air balloon.

And if you looked hard enough, there's actually a cable linking the balloon to the ground! So much for a hot-air balloon huh? Not to mention that, its around 23 SGD for a ride up an unauthentic hot-air balloon. Its unauthentic due to that cable. I'd rather spend 50 SGD on G-Max than 23 SGD on this ride.

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 5/07/2006 12:35:00 PM

a series of unfortunate events

Boy, am I pissed with how I spent the past few days. Or rather, how I was forced to spend the past few days. Urgh! How down can a girl's luck get? Utterly pissed. I hate how I couldn't change how things turned out.

Warning: The following entry is a release of pent-up frustrations over the past two or three days. DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT read if you feel uncomfortable reading lengthy posts. I'm not going to be responsible should you feel any discomfort.

Took up a new assignment at Toa Payoh and today was the first lesson. I left home early so that I would not leave a bad first impression by being late. But things just wouldn't go my way. Boarded the cursed bus 56 and made my way to Toa Payoh, an estate totally foreign to me except for the Central area. Even took pains to check for directions to get there, painstakingly counted the number of bus stops but still. I was lost. I had absolutely no idea where I was. And it was just 5 minutes away from tuition. In my desperation, I crossed the overheard bridge, trying to find a solution to get to where I was supposed to be. Not once, not twice, but FOUR times. Yep, you didn't hear wrong. Four. Times. Asked around for directions but seems like no one knows anything. Like, what the hell!? Decided not to count on those who seemed like residents in the area anymore and boarded 56 to get back to Central.

The ride back to Central, which was supposed to be peaceful and quiet, proved otherwise. It dealt me with yet another blow. The hell of an irritant. A student's mom. She just had to keep calling and calling me, repeating her poor situation, over and over again. Let me remind you. Its over and over again. Fark you woman. I've heard you repeat the same thing a gazillion times. Its not like you call me once a day. You call me at least THREE times a day. And that, is FARKING irritating. It's no wonder your son doesn't want to listen to you. C'mon! Give that poor boy a break. Give ME a break! Did you think I was some mystical being who is able to bless your son with good grades for the mid-years over a few sessions of tuition? Hiring me two days before his Math paper was crazy enough already, yet you expect him to pass his Math paper when he doesn't even understand the basic concepts of it!? I'm no miracle-maker, lady. I can't help it if your son doesn't help himself. Like how the hell am I supposed to help him pass? Take his paper for him?? People will think you're nuts. You say you aren't giving him pressure. Yeah right! With all those nonsensical calls, pestering him and not to forget, ME, you're giving both of us pressure. I now feel obliged to let him pass him Math mid-year with at least a C6. And I'm going to feel so guilty if he fails. NOT. Thanks for all those unnecessary pressure. And you bloody owe me my pay. Which is dued today. Fark. I need to foot my handphone bills.

That aside, I finally found the dreaded Lorong that I've been searching for. Time was already 15 minutes past the originally set time. Great. And I couldn't find the block. Searched high and low for the alledged community centre that sits next to it. Amidst the search, I passed by 3 adolescent boys whose behaviour I deemed juvenile. I suppose they assumed I'm non-Chinese as they commented really loudy in Mandarin and made up ideas as to why my skirt was so short. A serious lack of maturity. What the hell are teachers these days infusing into the minds of students nowadays? Anyway, that didn't bother me much as I was pretty much set on getting my ass to wherever I was supposed to be already. Time left me no leeway. It read 5.29pm by the time I got into the lift. And boy, was I in for more trouble.

Rang the doorbell. I was happily expecting a nice family. But boy, what a shock I got! It was an ah tiong family. Disgusted was the exact feeling I felt when I greeted the mother. It was even worse when I saw the boy. Ill-mannered, spoilt and rude. Only one word: BRAT. Absolutely no respect for anyone. Whatever happened to RESPECT, which was one of the virtue in Chinese people? Apparently, he didn't have any. Or rather, his parents did not teach him any. 子教 父错. Oh, if I had known! I'd have turned down this assignment at once. Bloody ah tiongs. Farked up people, I tell you.

And guess what? This is the FIRST assignment where I got fired after the first lesson. Reason being, I spoke too softly. What the fark!? Did you expect us Singaporeans to be as uncouth as you ah tiongs? Oh please. My other student's parents or guardians have given me and the tuition agent feedback that I was a good tutor. Well, not any loss of mine since I was intending to call the agent and ask him to get another one to teach your brat of a son. I'd gladly do without any of your stinking ah tiong money.

Thank god things weren't bad for the next tuition I had, which was at 8.30pm. The little girl is just so adorable and such a darling! Just a year older than that spoilt brat, but she is much more sensible and respectful. And she loves doing homework. For this little darling, I didn't mind spending an extra half an hour coaching her, free of charge. Which I did. And the parent is such a darling too. Knowing that it was late, she offered to walk me to the bus interchange. Where on earth can you find such nice parents!! I felt so lucky.

Finally reached home a little past midnight. Heated up my dinner and ate my fill at the wee hours. I'm going to be so rolly-polly should I continue this routine, and today was the 2nd day I had my 'dinner' at 1am. Stayed up till at least 3am, sprawled out on the sofa, catching programmes being churned out on the tube, so that my food could at least be digested before I headed to bed. Another thing: I'm accustomed to turning on the computer when I'm at home, signing in to MSN and remaining online even though I'm out in the living room, wasting my time away. I saw a few messages but at 3am...? I doubt anyone else would be awake, unless they're as crazy as I am. Ignored them and headed to bed, totally forgetting that I had tuition at 11am the next day.

Along came Saturday. My handphone's alarm started ringing.

"Who the hell is that!? It's so bloody early!!" I thought in the midst of my deep slumber. Picking up the phone, I realised I had tuition. Seeing that I still had two hours more, I happily convinced myself that I shall lie back for just another 30 minutes, and thoroughly understanding my sleep behaviour, I knew that I would NOT just rest for 30 mins. Within 30s, I was off to lala-land already.

I abruptly woke up when my phone really rang this time. "Lemme guess.. it's A's mom.." And I was right. Talk about predictability. It isn't the first time she woke me up with her incessant calls. And how I entertained her with "Yeah"s and "Yup"s and "Yes, I understand"s and you-know-whats. My hand then felt around my bed for my spectacles as I entertained her absentmindedly, most of the time not even bothering to understand what she was just repeating over all those calls.

"Shiet!" was the only reaction I had when my eyes made contact with my wall clock. I hurriedly gathered my bath things, a change of clothes and dashed into the bathroom, lest anyone would require it at the same time as I did. And I had to undress with the phone still stuck to my ear, thanks to the woman who refuses to stop repeating herself. I was practically jumping up and down till she finally said goodbye. I was going to be farking late for tuition should she continue her nonsense. There was no way I was able to take my bath leisurely as I usually do. All thanks to her.

Had to make a mad dash to Bugis MRT station for I couldn't find the EZ-link card that still contained a miserly amount enough for me to take public transport to and fro from the very next tuition. Thank god I called the student's granny to inform her that I'd be slightly late. Late-coming isn't a virtue but hey, at least I was responsible enough to inform them beforehand.

Tuition started. Things were going on pretty smoothly. Just that it was hard to conduct lessons when he doesn't have an assessment book so that he can do some practices. It isn't that he didn't want to buy. I went out to look for it. To a few Popular bookstores, but to no avail. I'll just have to search in the 2nd-hand bookstores tomorrow, I suppose. Oh, and the ever-bothersome A's mom called during my tuition session. Can you imagine my exasperation? She just continued her ramblings despite me telling her that I'm in the middle of another tuition session. Not once, but twice I told her. She's incorrigible, bothering me with details that were not even vital.

Finally acceded to her 'needs' and gave her son tuition at 5pm. Sheer torture, I tell you. I was so darn tired that I immediately paid Zhou Gong a visit after my first tuition. And I'm sure many of you know how it feels like to drag yourself out to some engagement, especially if its something that you've already reckoned would drain the rest of the remaining energy out of you in just a matter of seconds. And that was exactly how I felt. I couldn't refrain myself from catching a glance at my watch, just to see how many more agonizing minutes it would take before I regain my freedom.

And boy am I glad it all ended already. Not to forget that today is Election Day. A total waste of half a weekend to me. I'm known to be a couch potato. I can survive the whole day, just by watching TV. But fark. It had to be Election Day. Virtually every programme had something to do with the Elections. Even at 1.30am! Urgh!! Just get elected and shut all that crap! Who needs to hear what you've got planned out for the district and all, if you don't carry it out? Haven't you heard? Talk is always easy. So keep all those nonsense to yourselves and announce when you really intend to realize it. Waste of my precious time. Fark.

Well, it felt really good to pour out what I had been containing for the past few days. Time to hit the sack. Ciao.

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 5/07/2006 03:17:00 AM

slow dance

Have you ever watched kids
On a merry-go-round?
Or listened to the rain
Slapping on the ground?
Ever followed a butterfly's erratic flight?
Or gazed at the sun into the fading night?

You better slow down.
Don't dance so fast.
Time is short.
The music won't last.

Do you run through each day
On the fly?
When you ask "How are you?"
Do you hear the reply?
When the day is done
Do you lie in your bed
With the next hundred chores
Running through your head?
You'd better slow down
Don't dance so fast.
Time is short.
The music won't last.

Ever told your child,
We'll do it tomorrow?
And in your haste,
Not see his sorrow?

Ever lost touch,
Let a good friendship die
Cause you never had time
To call and say,"Hi"
You'd better slow down.
Don't dance so fast.
Time is short.
The music won't last.

When you run so fast to get somewhere
You miss half the fun of getting there.
When you worry and hurry through your day,
It is like an unopened gift....
Thrown away.
Life is not a race.
Do take it slower
Hear the music
Before the song is over.

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 5/03/2006 12:52:00 PM


I am speechless. Absolutely speechless. Which explains why I'm typing cause I can't speak right now.

I was happily walking into my room after watching "Pretty Woman" on Channel 5. Classic, I tell ya. I love that movie. But.. some things just has to spoil my mood. Spoil the happy mood of a girl who was walking back to her room, looking forward to enjoying the aircon and just snuggling up in her comforter. But no. For the FOURTH time. Today is the FOURTH time I've spotted a bloody cockroach in my room. And the second time I used my precious Adidas deodorants on the wretched things. What a waste of Adidas deodorant. Not that it costed a bomb but still. Damn those nasty pests. My room now smells of nothing but deodorant.

And not to forget that I stepped on the path that the wretched thing walked, no, crawled on. Yucks! Utterly disgusted by the mere thought of it. Washed my poor little feet with soap, took the mop from the kitchen and started to mop my floor frantically. And I had to dig out my precious Nightmare Before Christmas bedroom slippers to wear so that my now clean feet would not have any contact with the contaminated floor.

And did I forgot to mention that....
I love hate cockroaches. I really do. Thank god dad was around to help me clear that lifeless little thing that contaminated my Sasa magazine-like brochure, which I have yet to really flip through and read it. URGH! Tell me how much that pleases you.

Grr. Just tell me why do these creatures exist in the first place. RAWR!!

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 5/02/2006 01:37:00 AM

- About Moi -
Name: Ya(w)nz
Age: I'm getting the KEY in 2oo6!
Birthday: 19 July 85
School: Nanyang Technological University
Course: College of Engineering // Civil Engineering
E-Mail: wanna email me...?

add me @ friendster!

- Loves -
My girlfriends
My family
Mother Son Hubbers ((MSH))

- Loathes -

- Egg Babies -

- Wishlist -
#1 - Random Adidas Watches
yes, get me any of this and i'll love you!

#2 - Adidas jackets! Of any colour~
Adidas RAWKS!!

#3 - Anything with a CROWN TIARA CROWN!!
Eg: belts, necklaces, shirts, etc..
Make me feel like a real royalty!

#4 - Stuff toys!! Especially Squirt, Flounder or Nemo!!
I love plushies~ #5 - Zen Neeon.. Don't think anyone would give me this but still.. its
a wish! And if any kind soul is gonna buy this..
ORANGE or PURPLE please!
I really need one of these!

list still growing~..
- Days of Yore - - Her Decree - - Her Quondam Skins -
- Royal Entertainment -
.ntu official site.
.perfect 10.
.SG sell/trade.

- Royal-links -

an old blog of mine.. very un-updated..