blogskin dated: 24.apr.06
3 things...

First things first, I got the part-time job as a Wisma Ambassador. Interview was horrendous. Why? Because it was a panel interview. One versus five. Imagine that. Like what the hell? It's just a part-time job, and you're not looking for supermodels or whatsoever. Ridiculous, I tell you. And there's definitely a very anal person among the management. Total bitch. And mind you, BITCH does not stand for Beauty In Total Control of Herself. Apparently, she can't control her mouth since she loves to interrupt other people halfway through their briefing. Plus, she's definitely no beauty. But one thing's for sure. She didn't use her looks to get into the company. Not that I mentioned that she had any in the first place.

Oh, and they picked 8 girls out of those who were present to go for a photoshoot this morning. I suppose they didn't put on their glasses and thinking caps because of all those chosen, they were either bimbos with small boobs or ah-lians. Just check it out in tomorrow's copy of The Straits Times. There were definitely better looking ones present. And to think they wanted to portray Wisma Atria as youthful, vibrant and energetic. I would say that less than 3 out of the 8 were up to the standard. I still prefer my Sasa event because the people were nice and friendly, plus free trial of the products. This one, I'll give it a 5 out of 10. Max. If only I weren't so poor...

Next up, I made a totally wasted trip down to the boy's place. Halfway through the journey, he called and said that he had to go to work and asked me to go home. It was a last minute call and he chose to go to work. And ask me to go all the way back. And due to the monthly visits, I had some kind of mood swing. Furthermore, my tummy isn't exactly in good shape. I felt like strangling him over the phone. I refuse to reply his SMSes. And I will not answer his calls later tonight, even though I relented this morning. Urgh! Let's talk about being sensitive. I hate you.

And now that I'm supposed to type out the 3rd thing, I can't recall what is it that I had in mind. Oh whatever. Will blog about it when I think about it. Right now, I need some beauty sleep. Haa.

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 9/30/2006 05:28:00 PM

will it be over?

Just read that an acquaintance just broke up. It came about as quite a surprise and it got me wondering, when would it be my turn again. It's probably best not to give it a 100% for when you fall, you fall hard. And it would hurt bad. Very bad.

Sometimes, I think too much. But if I don't, I won't be prepared. And even if I'm prepared, things might not go my way. I might end up what I thought I would not. Or maybe not. There's just simply too many possibilities. That's the future for you. Full of infinities... Possiblities going on and on...

Actually, this post makes no sense at all. But still.


Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 9/27/2006 01:44:00 PM

mid-week already...

It's time to pull up the socks and start off with the tutorials. Oh, its just this part of school that sucks.

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 9/27/2006 09:09:00 AM

hyper bowel movement

Which has caused me a sick tummy and painful ass. Horrible diarrhoea made me visit the water closet nearly 5 times in the middle of the night. And it hasn't stopped yet. I'm just praying I won't have to go in the aseo any time soon.

And apparently, the Boyfriend's also not feeling well. Seems to be down with a fever and a cold. But kind of contradicting, eh? Oh, nevermind.

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 9/24/2006 10:44:00 AM


That's the perfect description for my uncle's wife. It seems like she's desperately trying to rid her house of my granny. It's really disturbing to hear about this. Furthermore, she's a so-called Christian who's undergone baptism. So much for Christinanity teachings huh. My aunt is also a Christian but I've never seen her behave in such a dirty manner as you have. You've totally ruined my image of Christians. And mind you, there's a thing called retribution. Next time, I'll be laughing my ass off and telling you that you've long deserved it when your sons throw you aside. I'm feeling pretty appalled that you're actually family. God bless that pathetic soul of yours.

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 9/20/2006 08:56:00 PM

for the boyfriend...

~ by: TLC

I know I'm kinda strange, to you sometimes
Don't always say, what's on my mind
You know that I've been hurt, by some guy
But I don't wanna mess up this time

I might look through your stuff, for what I don't wanna find
Or I might just set you up, to see if you're all mine
I'm a little paranoid, from what I've been through
Don't know what you got yourself into

And I really really really care
And I really really really want you
And I think I'm kinda scared
Cause I don't want to lose you
If you really really really there
Then maybe you can hang through
I hope you understand
It's nothing to you

My heart's at a low
I'm so much to manage
I think you should know that
I've been damaged
I'm falling in love
There's one disadvantage
I think you should know that I've been damaged

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 9/19/2006 11:23:00 PM

imbeciles everywhere!

Yes, I'm angry. Very angry, as a matter of fact. Why has the day been so unfortunate for me? Darn those arseholes. First thing this morning, an idiot spilled his cup of coffee over my purple Adidas bag while I was waiting to pay for my drink. In the first place, why the hell do you have to stand so close to me? And he was freaking ungentlemanly, only knowing how to say the word "sorry". Like if "sorry" was of any use, then why do we need policemen for? You didn't even know how to freaking offer me a tissue to wipe off the stain or anything. And for that, I hope all your notes will just rot away and the words in your textbook all smudge!

Next, pathetic NYGH girl seated next to me on the bus home. I felt like slapping her out of her dreamland. Can't she sleep while sitting upright? Need her head keep nodding towards me? Plus she didn't even know how to let me out from the inside seat, moving only a little to the side. I'm carrying a frigging huge bag, excuse me! I wished the bag hit you in the head and the leftover coffee stains your pathetic face. Hopefully, you'll fail your ABRSM Grade 6 practical exam as well. Show off.

And then there's this Hunchback of Notre-Dame wannabe. Ok, there was nothing wrong in carrying a fat backpack but do you need to keep moving front and back the whole time? People need to frigging pass by but all you can do is obstruct the way. I honestly felt like pushing you at that moment in time. Luckily for you, I was in a rush. Pui.

I'm so irritated that I even feel like blogging an entry on how idiotic NTU students can be when taking the public transport but I shall leave that till when I simmer down. Argh.

Somebody kill these people!

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 9/19/2006 03:59:00 PM


Popped by IKEA after school yesterday to meet momsie and the annoying siblings. And the Boyfriend aka Bangla-worker-for-the-day. Bought quite a few stuff, which includes a cheapo cupboard, wine glasses, batteries, some sort of cooking pot with lots and lots of holes and a plank. The cupboard was quite a hassle. Stupid salesperson. I asked him for the isle to locate the cupboard, not to ask to collect it over the counter.

In any case, the two sisters would not pass up any chance to camwhore for a bit. Check out the photos. =)

Shopping @ IKEA!

Sometimes, you have to collect some stuff by yourself. I had to collect my boyfriend over the counter, how about you?

Self-collection time...

Momsie was annoyed by the both of us snapping away. And she refused to join our league unless she has makeup on and if her hair is nicely done. Check out the little rascal as well. Hiding on the floor of the taxi lest he gets caught since there were 5 of us inside a cab! =P

On the way home.

And boy did I enjoy my day. Bliss~

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 9/13/2006 10:33:00 PM


The tongue piercing came off today, under the scrutiny of a rather annoyed Mumsie and a disgruntled and noisy sister who kept saying "WEIIIIII............" since last night. Rather irritating, I tell you. I shall not disclose the reason(s) as to why she kept doing that so that you guys can find her irritating too.

Anyway, headed down to the Victoria Theatre for the Japanese Cultural Society's Annual Drum and Dance thingy. It wasn't too bad but they should consider getting someone else as an emcee. No hard feelings though. And I caught Boyfriend snoozing away. Urgh...

Alrighty. Shall go plop down on my comfy bed already. Just that the aircon seems a little weak today but oh well, I've got school early tomorrow morning. Ciao.

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 9/10/2006 11:22:00 PM

back at one..

It's undeniable that we should be together
It's unbelievable, how I used to say that I'd fall never
The basis is need to know
If you just don't know how I feel
Then let me show you now that I'm for real
If all the things in time, time will reveal

One, you're like a dream come true
Two, just wanna be with you
Three, girl it's plain to see
That you're the only one for me and
Four, repeat steps one through three
Five, make you fall in love with me
If ever I believe my work is done
Then I'll start back at one

It's so incredible, the way things work themselves out
And all emotional, once you know what it's all about, hey
And undesirable, for us to be apart
I never would've made it very far
'cause you know you got the keys to my heart

One, you're like a dream come true
Two, just wanna be with you
Three, girl it's plain to see
That you're the only one for me and
Four, repeat steps one through three
Five, make you fall in love with me
If ever I believe my work is done
Then I'll start back at one

Say farewell to the dark of night
I see the coming of the sun
I feel like a little child, whose life has just begun
You came and breathed new life into this lonely heart of mine
You threw out the life-line
Just in the nick of time

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 9/04/2006 10:41:00 AM

rsaf open house..

Brought the little rascal out to the RSAF Open House 2006. And he sure proved himself to be trouble-maker-to-be. The first model he touched, he caused some metal part of it to 'clang' onto the floor. And thankfully, it was just a life-size model, not a real plane. I think I'd probably have to work there till I die to pay off the amount. But anyway, everything seemed to be in order with a perfect weather to kick-start the carnival and no melting manicure, which is very important. Hahaha.
Welcome to Paya Lebar Air Base!
Wheeee~ Here we are, at the Paya Lebar Air Base. And I think I'm pretty mean to make Boyfriend travel all the way down from the north to Eunos, and especially since I know that he has to make his way down there some time again next week. Though he'll be chaffeured around, but that's not really the point.

And did I mention that we were pretty dumb? We were trying to figure out how to use Huishi's camera, and all the configurations and sorts. And Boyfriend, being the boyfriend, took so many shots trying to get it right but he still failed and we had to resort to using another mode to get the colour back! Hmph. Check out how grumpy I was. But in the process, I also realised that Huishi's camera is quite a cool gadget. Hehehe.
And here's the little rascal. Aren't boys all the same? Always fascinated with planes, guns, etc..? I think he had a lot of fun, even dressed up as a pilot and took a photo with the F16. Lols. But that photo can only be collected on Tuesday. =)
Planes fetish.
Travelled down to Changi Airport for dinner at around 5.30pm. Viewed more planes from the viewing gallery but I think the little rascal was more focused on his paper plane models than anything else. While I was busy cam-whoring. And paying some attention to the Boyfriend. Hahaha.

Thank you Baby. For everything. I love you. Muacks!
Let's walk together, for the rest of our lives.

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 9/04/2006 12:42:00 AM

watershock 2006..

It really came as quite a shock to all of us. First thing one would expect would be lots of balloons, carnival-like, plenty of interesting things to buy and pamper oneself, food, loads of happy people, games, games and more games. But what we got was - "It's very boring." Like thanks. And it was really really boring. They even got the Nerds to perform rock music. Which is so totally off.

I think only the organisers enjoyed themselves by seeing the people who turned up being turned off by the worst kind of event any varsity can ever hold. Shame on them.

We left in less than half an hour after we arrived. And after that, shopping. But I wasn't really in the mood because of the lousy watershock event, the mega-inconsiderate crowd, and the hot weather. Argh. I was in the foulest of moods towards the late afternoon due to a pair of sore legs and the unnecessary walking caused by a hungry Boyfriend. Probably due to the lack of sleep which arised from the overnight mahjong session as well.

Oh well. One can only look forward to a better tomorrow. And it better be good as well. We're going down to the RSAF Open House, and we're bringing the little rascal along with us. Shucks! He better not give us trouble.

Princess Hyuain ™ ranted
@ 9/03/2006 12:52:00 AM

- About Moi -
Name: Ya(w)nz
Age: I'm getting the KEY in 2oo6!
Birthday: 19 July 85
School: Nanyang Technological University
Course: College of Engineering // Civil Engineering
E-Mail: wanna email me...?

add me @ friendster!

- Loves -
My girlfriends
My family
Mother Son Hubbers ((MSH))

- Loathes -

- Egg Babies -

- Wishlist -
#1 - Random Adidas Watches
yes, get me any of this and i'll love you!

#2 - Adidas jackets! Of any colour~
Adidas RAWKS!!

#3 - Anything with a CROWN TIARA CROWN!!
Eg: belts, necklaces, shirts, etc..
Make me feel like a real royalty!

#4 - Stuff toys!! Especially Squirt, Flounder or Nemo!!
I love plushies~ #5 - Zen Neeon.. Don't think anyone would give me this but still.. its
a wish! And if any kind soul is gonna buy this..
ORANGE or PURPLE please!
I really need one of these!

list still growing~..
- Days of Yore - - Her Decree - - Her Quondam Skins -
- Royal Entertainment -
.ntu official site.
.perfect 10.
.SG sell/trade.

- Royal-links -

an old blog of mine.. very un-updated..